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Ross wasn't living in a simple house. He was living in a mansion.

As soon as the girl entered, she couldn't help but widen her eyes and try to not seem too surprised, because it'd embarassing, she thought.

Unlike what she had expected, the living room was all white, and very, very spacious. There was also black furniture everywhere. Vicky was somehow excited, she had never been in such a luxurious place before. Everything seemed expensive and proper of a rich man.

She suddenly felt embarrassed because of her clothes. She was wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans with some comfy shoes, and she wished she had something better on.

Victoria was playing with her fingers, not sure of what to do, when a voice came in.

"Ross, we have a problem. Vincenzo's family have fucked everyt-"

He stopped as soon as he saw the girl standing there, completely shy. Part of him found it cute and softened his expression a little.

Ross gave a step forward, now being in front of the girl, and facing him.

"She's Victoria. She'll be staying here for a while".

"What? What do you mean?" The man said. Not trying to be rude, but he was pretty confused. He even forgot the 'problem' he was talking about before.

"That f-" Ross cleared his throat "...freaking Brown and his friends were messing up with her, so I finally got rid of them, and she didn't want to go home and I brought her here. Marcus, is there some dinner left?"

The man just stared at him, and then back at the girl. He couldn't believe that, because his brother wasn't the type of doing those kinds of things. He'd most likely just leave her by her own, unless it was for having fun, but it didn't seem the case.

That's what his brother was like.

Of course, they were called the most powerful mafia in the continent.

"Uh! I'm sorry if I'm bothering. I can just go, and-"

"Ross, you can't just bring a girl here, you know that. Also, you can't... she can't just leave her house like that"

"How old are you, Vicky?" Ross softly turned to her.

"I'm 18..."

"There, she can stay here. Look, I'm gonna have to take care of that problem now" Ross said, more to Vicky than to his brother. "Give her some dinner, would ya?"

He didn't wait for him to respond and he had already left the living room, patting the girl's head.

Marcus didn't say anything about it either, he just looked at her again and said "come this way".

Victoria followed Marcus to a big kitchen a few meters away. Just like the living room, it was white and black, and big.

She couldn't help but gasp in awe at it. Everything in that place was too much for her.

Marcus didn't get why she was so amused, because it was kind of normal for him.

Also, he was kind of frustrated because somehow he ended up making a sandwich for her, and he felt like a babysitter.

He was Marcus Caruso after all, part of a very important mafia. And now, well, he gave the food to her.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Don't call me that, makes me feel old" he said.

"Oh, Ross didn't like it either. I like your name though" she chuckled.

Somehow she seemed like a little girl. Marcus was as tall as his brother, and equally intimidating. He had tattoes all over his right and left arm, and, although Vicky couldn't see it, he even had a gun on his belt.

But he found it cute that she barely reached his chest. He also knew he could kill her just with his hand.

Marcus calmed down a little. Of course he was still mad at the other mafia's mistakes, and now his brother suddenly making him take care of the girl, but she wasn't the one at fault.

She was still a little shy though, and he just wanted her to not be scared.

"Thank you, si- uh, Marcus" Vicky said once she finished.

Just when he was about to respond, a loud bang was heard not too far from them. Vicky felt her heart beating too fast from the surprise, and of course, the noise. She had always been afraid of loud noises.

Marcus didn't seem to be bothered, though. He just clicked his tongue and turned to her.

"Don't worry, it was nothing".

"I swear to god these motherfuckers never learn" a man said, when another came from behind.

"Jeff, I've already told you to- oh, hey?"

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