15. Brat

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Caia knew she had pushed Annika too far. She had been too sassy, too defiant. A brat, Annika had called her. But she enjoyed pushing her buttons, almost as much as she enjoyed whatever punishment it led to.

Only this time, the punishment had been unbearable. Because instead of doing something to her, Annika had simply done nothing. She walked out of the room, ordering Caia to stay there for two hours without her. She didn't know whether she had made her mad, or if it was all part of the act.

After one hour and fifty minutes, Annika returned. "Have you learnt your lesson?"

Caia clamped her mouth shut to avoid one of the many smart-assed remarks forming within her mind.

"Go get ready for bed," Annika said. "You're sleeping down the end."

Hiding her smile, Caia slipped away into the ensuite. That was what she had been hoping for. She wasn't sure if Annika knew how much she loved sleeping between her legs. How amazing it felt using her thigh as a pillow. Or the fact that she loved it when Annika would run her hands through her hair or tug on her collar.

Of course, it grew uncomfortable after a while, when her body grew still and needed to stretch out, but somehow, Annika always knew when the time was right to bring her back.

She avoided Annika's gaze as they got ready for bed, then waited, standing, until she was invited to join her.

Caia moved into position, her body coiled so that she fit on the bed, and rested her head against Annika's thigh. A moment later, Annika's hand was in her hair. Despite it being a punishment, she was so caring. So... loving. She gave a gentle tug on the collar, and Caia melted into her.

There were so many things Caia wanted to do with Annika that went far beyond their current dynamic, but she was too afraid to ask for it. Too afraid to start something of substance between them, rather than the dynamic that seemed to rest upon the fact that they were friends. Friends who slept in one another's arms every night. Friends who did not act like friends at all.

But she had no idea whether Annika wanted more. She seemed content with their current arrangement.

Asking for more might ruin everything.

So instead, Caia took what she could get. Without thought, her hand went to Annika's thigh, holding her close. She felt Annika inhale, hold her breath for a few seconds, before sighing. When no consequence seemed to occur, Caia relaxed.

With one hand still in Caia's hair, Annika brushed her other hand over Caia's cheek before grazing her bottom lip. On instinct, Caia took her hand, easing one of her fingers into her mouth.

Annika groaned but didn't pull it away. "You're such a brat," she said. There was so much lust in her voice, Caia couldn't take her seriously. "Why can't you just do as you're told?"

In response, Caia pulled back before taking two of Annika's fingers into her mouth, swirling her tongue around them.

Annika moaned Caia's name. "I'm meant to be punishing you, not the other way around."

In what seemed like an attempt to regain control, Annika slid her fingers deeper until the tips reached the back of her throat. Caia clamped down and fought the urge to gag. She tried to swallow, beginning to panic.

"Relax," Annika said. "Just breathe."

Trusting that Annika knew what she was doing, Caia followed her orders. She relaxed, breathing through her nose.

"Good girl," Annika said, withdrawing enough so that Caia was comfortable again. "Are you okay?"

Caia nodded.

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