11. Long showers

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Annika had fallen in love with Caia the moment she'd laid eyes on her. And every single moment she had shared with her since had only reinforced that initial feeling.

She hadn't known what to do when Dan made his offer. It was a split second decision. All she knew was that she had to get her away from him. He was a cretin, a low level peddler who had always been too ambitious for his own good. And too stupid to realise he would never amount to anything more than a simple lacky. She hadn't wanted to kill or maim him as punishment for not delivering. No, too many people had been harmed under her instruction. And she couldn't have just let it slide either; she had a reputation to uphold.

So one month it was. One month with Caia, who she had somehow fallen so deeply in love with so quickly. It was like nothing she had ever experienced. Her relationship with Michael had been lacklustre in comparison. She had loved him at the time, but it didn't compare to how she felt about Caia.

Caia, who it seemed understood pain all too well. Perhaps not the same pain, but pain, nonetheless.

Consent under duress was not consent. Annika had tried to be strong. She had made a plan of all the things she could do to make it seem as though she would one day force sex from her. But she got too caught up in it. The feeling of holding Caia against her was too addictive. Even if for Caia, it wasn't real. Until recently.

There hadn't been anyone of substance in the past two years. There had been people she had taken to bed. The ones she had fucked because she was still too broken for anything more meaningful. Not without being overwhelmed with anger. The sting of betrayal.

Hating the man she had once loved so fiercely brought her endless pain. She had loved Michael, had grieved him, until he had brought her life crashing down with his. She had known there was drug activity at the club. Had known it wasn't entirely a reputable business.

What she hadn't been aware of was everything else. She was sure there was still more to uncover. He had lied to her. Her life of luxury had been built upon a foundation of criminal activity. Drugs, weapons, murder. And now she wore his crown. Only she wasn't stupid enough to place all her trust in his men. One of the first things she had done was hire new muscle. Personal security through a private firm, one who knew nothing of her business or her dealings. People she could trust if only for the sum she paid them.

Fear followed her every move. Fear of getting caught and going to prison, fear of the next time she would have to dish out punishment to someone who owed her money. But most of all, fear that all of this would follow her into her home. To her family.

And now, to Caia.

Caia stirred in Annika's arms, looking up at her with her sleepy gaze. It had been three days since she had learnt the truth. Since Annika had taken things too far and hated herself because of it. Their friendship had begun to develop, and they had slept in each other's arms every night since.

They were halfway through their month, and Annika wondered what would happen at the end. Would Caia go back to her regular life? Would they ever see each other again? She didn't want that to happen. She wanted Caia in her life. In her bed, even if it was just to hold her.

"Good morning," Caia mumbled.

"Good morning, beautiful."

As she did any time Annika paid her a compliment, Caia scrunched up her nose and averted her gaze. She wasn't used to people being nice to her. Gradually, she had begun to share why. Annika didn't know all the details, but knew enough to know that Caia had a terrible childhood.

"You know I don't like it when you say that stuff," Caia said, stretched within Annika's arms.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just can't help it."

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