Chapter 28

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When the sun almost touched us, we got dressed and continued our journey.

Aro let us in even before the knock on the wooden door finished its echo. And before he could ask or demand any of our hands, I related our whole adventure. It wasn't difficult to leave the part out where I had taken away my power over Demetri. There was enough to distract Aro and the others from anything that might be skipped.

In detail I described the castle and the village and the hold the Romanian vampires had over the poor people there. I wanted to describe the newborn army, but Demetri took over from there. Giving information and details I hadn't known were important. His explanation was a bit more sedated, except for the part in the end. His eyes were on fire as he described how I commanded the raging newborns. I could see how it was still difficult for him, having seen me throw myself in harms way.

For a minute all eyes were on me, but then Aro took control.

"It seems we will have to deal with our enemies at last. And this time make sure they won't be able to return. Leave us to rest, my friends, we will discuss the course of action."

We didn't need rest, but I knew what he meant. For as long or short – probably the latter – as we had, we could spend the time any way we pleased. There was no way either of us would remain behind the next time Romania became a mission.


"Teach me how to fight", I pleaded, as we rounded the corner that led away from the grand hall.

"Now?" Demetri's eyes told me he'd rather do something else. Something that also included physical contact, only a bit less violent.

I smirked and pressed my body against his, as I whispered: "After. First I need to know how to free myself, so I can look my attacker in the eye."

"Do you think that matters? You stopped all three of the newborns at once with one command."

Taking a small step back, but still keeping my arms wrapped around his neck, I frowned. "They all looked my way. As did the humans in the dark, even if they could barely see me. I don't know if my power works without some connection."

"Then we shall test that first. If it does, we'll spend our time my way." He ran a finger across my face all the way down to where my breasts were covered by the low cut shirt I wore under the leather jacket I'd chosen for the trip. I almost wished he would be right about my gift, but I really wanted to learn how to fight.

With a sigh, Demetri took my hand and we walked to the gym. A few vampires were sparring, Felix was not among them and I didn't know the others by name. Demetri gestured for me to go ahead and I swallowed. What command could I use to test my gift without them noticing?

After a short deliberation I softly spoke in the general direction of the three fighting men: "Stop fighting for one moment."

Perhaps it was too subtle. Only one of them lost his focus for a second and he was facing me, though not looking at me directly.

"Try it louder, with more conviction."

Demetri's suggestion however, made all three of the fighters look our way, so the exercise became pointless. Fine, so they realized what I was trying to do, now. They might as well help. I walked forward and asked: "I need to determine my limits, will you help us?"

"You are the one with the mind control thing, aren't you?" the one on the left asked. He wasn't angry, so I smiled a bit.

"I guess you could call it that. I need to know if it works when someone isn't facing me."

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