Chapter 20

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At the mention of the word wedding, a little sound escaped from the front seat, that made Demetri grin. Felix had to feel incredibly uncomfortable, right now, which was probably Demetri's design and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Would he say something if we started to make out? Perhaps he would stop the car and leave. It was worth the try.

Feeling wicked, I inched closer, walking with two fingers up Demetri's chest. He'd never bothered to redo his cravat and slowly I unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, while whispering: "It would be very nice to have the first night in our house be our wedding night."

Another noise made me bite my cheek and Demetri's eyebrows rose. His gaze flickered to the front and when he took in my expression, he caught on to my ruse. With a mirroring grin on his face, he slowly kissed the corner of my mouth, while whispering: "You'll like the bedroom."

Suddenly we were pressed into the car seats, as the car sped up to its maximum speed. I couldn't keep it together anymore and burst out laughing.

"Alright, my friend, don't fret. We'll behave." Demetri's grin turned to a fond smile, as he looked my way and after one, long, searing kiss, he leaned back again.

I moved back also, laying my head against his shoulder. There was a lot of new stuff that occupied my mind right now and I was glad Felix slowed down to normal speed again. I needed the time to think.

It would sure mollify Aro if we returned, asking him if he would wed us, right? It would even make our outing seem like a romantic getaway for the sole purpose of Demetri proposing. But more than the question whether or not Aro would forgive us from leaving without so much of a consent, I had to think about what kind of wedding I wanted to have.

Anything like the ones I had dreamed about as a little girl, was out of the question. For one, my father wouldn't be there to give me away and my sister couldn't be bridesmaid. A white dress even seemed inappropriate. Going up to the local registry felt like getting a paper for the sake of the paper and in my new world the paper would be meaningless. I didn't need a big party either, considering I had very few friends I could invite. I would like Chelsea to be there. That was one thing I did like. She could be my maid of honor. Would Felix be the best man? That had me giggling all over again.


"Nothing, I'll tell you later." I glanced forward and Demetri nodded, smiling.

Could I invite the wives? And Corin? They were the only other females I knew in the manor. Jane would most definitely not be invited.

Marcus, I wanted Marcus to be there as well, he had been kind to me. Caius could stay away, but that would probably be rude and unwise. My smile faltered. This turned out to be more difficult than I thought.

"Can't we just elope?" I finally squeaked, hiding my face in his side.

There was a short pause and then Demetri's soft voice spoke: "Felix, stop the car."

To my surprise, the car indeed slowed to a halt, which earned the big guard a few points in his favor.

"Ariadne, look at me."

I took a deep breath and looked up. We were alone in the car, I hadn't even noticed that Felix left. Again, points.

"Marriage for a vampire is different, because the whole 'until death do us part' thing is a bit lengthier. We can get the paperwork in order within a day, but unless you want to go to Vegas, it will take more than a day to get married the human way." He lifted my chin with his finger and softly kissed me on my lips.

"The only way we will be truly, and officially married in a way that our world will completely accept, is for Aro to speak the words. No tedious paperwork, no postponements, we could be married today."

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