Chapter 46....

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"Remind me why I thought this would be a good idea."

"I told you so."

"Gee thanks a lot."

"Hey I did tell you it wasn't a good idea." Wyatt said with a shrug. I sighed taking a sip of the beer in my hands.

I had the bright idea to host a small party with all of our friends. And by friends I mean; Tasha, Lydia, Sydni, Trevor, Bryton and Landon. At first it seemed like a good idea having everyone together to get to know one another. I should have known it was going to be a disaster as soon as they stepped into Wyatt's apartment.

Right now they were all currently sitting in the living arguing with each other. The only couple minding their own business was Sydni and Bryton. The two of them just watched the other four argue.

Lydia and Landon were arguing about some business thing that I had no clue about. They were facing across each other but getting closer and closer the longer they argued. I wasn't sure if they were going to kiss or throttle each other.

Tasha and Trevor were on the other side of the couch arguing whether fries belonged with ice cream. It was probably one of the stupidest arguments and I could practically feel their sexual tension from here. Their voices getting louder and louder.

"Should we stop them?"

"Eh Landon and Trevor can hold their own." Wyatt waved them off.

"Until someone strangles the other." Which I wouldn't rule out at this point. Guess I should also say this wasn't the first argument that has broken out in the last two hours everyone has been here.

"My bet is on Trevor and Tasha cave first." He said eyeing his best friend.

"You think?" I watched the pair arguing, seeing Tasha's eyes dart down to Trevors lips. The look on her face one I've seen countless times before.

"Oh yeah. Landon is more stubborn than a bull. He won't cave to Lydia. At least not yet."

"Lydia's just as stubborn." I nodded along with him. "I'd give them at least a month before they give in."

"Sounds about right."

We stood there watching our friends, sipping our drinks. True to Wyatt's words not even ten minutes later both Trevor and Tasha stood up. I could tell they were trying to be casual about it but I knew they were leaving....together.

"I'm gonna head out." Trevor said as he reached us first. "Thanks for inviting me over Josie." He gave me his charming smile before pulling me in for a quick hug.

"I'm going to go too. Long day and I'm exhausted." Tasha said coming up to me as Trevor did his bro hug with Wyatt. I raised an eyebrow at her excuse. We both know that's a lie.

"I bet." The sheepish smile that appeared on her face let me know I was right. A small part of me wanted to tell her it was a bad idea. Sleeping with Trevor won't end well for either of them, but I knew it wasn't my place. They both can make their own decisions and I wasn't going to tell Tasha what to do.

"Let me know when you get home." I pulled her into a hug. When she pulled back I sent her a smirk. "Have fun."

A small blush appeared on her face before she quickly headed for the door making me chuckle under her breath. The two of them weren't fooling anyone. Once the door shut Wyatt turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

"That's gonna be fun." He said.

"Maybe they'll be good for each other." I silently prayed I was right. Tasha didn't anymore heartbreak.

"Sorry to leave early Josie." Lydia said next.

"Leaving too?"

"Yeah I need to make sure I have everything set for Monday's issue." I caught site of a brooding Landon at her back. I had a feeling I didn't even want to touch that subject.

"Don't work too hard and let me know when you get home."

"Will do." After a quick hug and a bye to Wyatt, Lydia stomped out the door, not bothering to look back at Landon who was staring after her.

Landon said a tense by to both of us leaving rather quickly. Wyatt and I shared a look. That was going to be.....interesting.

"You two throw great parties." Bryton teased as him and Sydni came over. I shook my head with a sigh.

"If I had known that was going to happen I would have kept them all far apart."

"Eh it was entertaining. Going to make get togethers interesting." Sydni said with a shrug. "It's like our own entertainment show."

"Hundred bucks Trevor and Tasha become fuck buddies." Bryton said with a grin. While I hadn't said those same words I knew we were all thinking the same thing.

"Want to make it interesting about Landon and Lydia?" Wyatt asked, smirking at Bryton.

"What are you thinking?" Sydni and I shared a look at the two of them.

"Whoever guesses the time right gets $200." Wyatt suggested.

"Gonna be the easiest 200 bucks I'll ever make." Bryton smirked. "I give them two weeks until they sleep together."

"Two weeks okay. I say a month." As the two of them went to shake hands I butted in.

"I say two months and Landon makes the first move." The two of them raised their eyebrows at me.

"I'm with Josie on this one." Sydni said as well.

"Wow not going to take your boyfriends side." Bryton shook his head at his girlfriend.

"You two sure?" Looking over at Sydni she gave me a nod.

"Yep. Two months."

"Okay. Whoever gets closest wins $300. And no interfering." Wyatt send me and Sydni a look. I put my hands up.

"I would never." I so would.

"Uh huh." I grinned knowing he didn't believe me.

Out of all the scenarios of the night ending I hadn't expected it to end with us placing bets on our friends and whether they'd sleep together. 


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