Bella Finds out about Shifters

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(Night time 4th of March 2006) Dani's POV

I was watching over Bella when I hear a quiet howl and sigh. I sneak out the window and go into the forest. I find a shirtless Jacob. "What is it?" I ask him.

"Why didn't you kill that vampire?" he asks me.

"I was about to when you showed up. I couldn't risk him escaping with my secret. I had to wait until he was close enough" I tell him.

"Why not?" he asks me.

"Use your brain wolf. You've heard about my kind. Vampires want immortal children dead, so we don't expose them to human kind. They believe we have no control over our thirst" I tell him.

"But you drink animal blood" he states. "Besides the Cullens know your secret" he adds.

"Not anymore, I used my gift to make them forget I exist" I tell him. "Now on a more important note. Bella is in danger, there's a red headed vampire killed Victoria who wants her dead. I need help to find and kill her before she hurts my sister" I tell him.

"We've seen her on our land. We have tried to kill her, but she's fast" he tells me. "I'll talk to Sam, organize a guard for Bella. You don't leave her side when you're not at school" he tells me. I nod my head and we hear a howl. "I gotta go" he says and left. I return home and watch over Bella.

(Morning 11th of March 2006)

It's been a week since Laurent died at the teeth of the wolves. Still no word of Victoria's death from the pack. Which means she's still out there. Last night Jake came to see Bella and asked her to remember the story he told her on the beach. Before he awaken as a shifter.

Anyway it's Saturday morning and I'm doing my boring maths timetable sheet. When Bella appears and grabs me pulling me from my seat. Charlie' at work so it's only us. "What are you doing?" I ask her as she leads me to her car.

"We're going for a drive" she states.

"But Charlie said we are to stay home and only to go to the diner" I remind her. She ignores me as she starts the engine. "He won't be happy to taking me away from my homework" I tell her.

"You can have that done in less then a minute" she states. "Besides I have to see Jacob" she adds.

"Bella I can't go to the reserve" I tell her. If I go there uninvited. The wolves will be angry. But I can't tell her that. As it's apart of the truce that I don't reveal their secret to a human.

"It won't take long, just stay in the car" she tells me.

"Bella I really can't go" I tell her and she looks into my eyes. "Take me home now" I tell her trying to compel her. But it doesn't work. She just looks back at the road and continues to drive. While I start to panic inside. How come my gift didn't work on her? It's always work? On vampires and humans. Why not her?

We soon reach the Black house and I lower myself into my seat out of view of the window. "I'll be back shortly" she tells me. Before getting out and going over to the house. I hear her talk to Billy before entering the house. While she's in there I hear the pack arrive and silently groan. Praying that they can't smell me.

"What did you do to him?" I hear Bella demand.

"Hey easy" I hear Sam say. Oh no, not good.

"He didn't want this!" she shouts.

"What did he do? What did he tell you?" another wolf demands. I slip out of the car. I see Bella facing the whole pack minus Jacob.

"Both of you calm down" Sam tells Bella and one of the wolves.

"Nothing! He told me nothing, because he's scared of you" Bella states. Making the wolf laugh and she punches him.

"To late now" Embry says.

"Bella get back" Sam tells her as the wolf shakes violently. He shifts in front of her. She runs and he gives chase. But I ram into him and block his path from Bella.

"No one threatens my sister mutt" I snarl and he growls back.

"Dani, run!" Bella shouts.

"Not until you're in the car, go" I tell her not taking my eyes off the wolf. "You want to fight a defenseless girl, try me wolf" I sneer. He growls.

"Jacob!" Bella shouts. Jake jumps over me shifting in midair and lands in front of me. Growling at the other wolf. I back away towards Bella as they start to fight.

"Bella time to go" I tell her.

"Sorry but you both aren't going anywhere until we sort this out" Sam tells me. "Embry, Jared take them to Emily's place" he orders. Before running after Jake and the other wolf.

"Guess the wolf's out the bag" Embry says. He and Jared take us to Emily's place. Bella says we should go back to make sure Jacob is ok.

"I hope Paul gets some teeth in him. Serve him right" Jared says.

"No way. Jake's a natural. You see him phase on the fly? I gotta fiver says Paul doesn't touch him" Embry tells him.

"Easy money. Paul's been at it longer" Jared says shaking his hand. They look back to see we're not following them.

"Come on in Bella, Dani. We won't bite" Embry tells us.

"Speak for yourself" Jared says giving Bella a smile. They enter the house. I grab Bella's hand and lead her inside.

"Who are these lovely girls?" a young woman with a scar on her face asks.

"Bella and Dani Swan" Embry tells her.

"So you're the vampire girl and vampire child" she says.

"So you're the wolf girl?" Bella says.

"So you're Sam's imprint?" I ask her.

"I am, we're engaged" Emily states placing some muffins on the table. Embry and Jared knick one each. "Save some for your brothers and ladies first" she tells them. "Muffin?" she offers.

Bella takes one. "I don't eat" I say sheepishly. Just then Sam, Jacob and Paul appear. "Sorry for intruding Sam, Bella didn't really give me a say in the matter" I tell him. As Bella left with Jacob.

"It's fine, but just this once" he tells me.

"Sorry for trying to kill your sister" Paul tells me.

"It's ok, I know she's head strong" I tell him. "Anyway, any luck catching Victoria yet?" I ask them.

"Not so far, the bitch is fast" Embry states and Emily whacks him in the head.

"There's a child present" she tells him.

"It's fine Emily, I'm over a hundred years old" I tell her.

"You've been a vampire that long?" they ask me shocked.

"Yep, it hasn't been easy. But I've managed with blood bags and now on the animal diet. I didn't even know vampires could survive on animal blood until I meet the Cullens" I tell them. "They were my first vampire family and now they don't even know I exist" I say sadly.

"Why didn't you go with them?" Paul asks me.

"The same thing I told Jacob. Beside Bella needs me" I tell them. "I'll call Billy if I see any sign of Victoria near Forks" I add. Soon Bella returns and we go home.


Picture above of Jacob shirtless and gif on the external link of Jake VS Paul.

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