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"everything is in order,spring ball will be beautiful.the winter one did great."queen clarion said as two us us fluttered side by side.i wanted to speak but a guardian fairy interrupted me.

"your majesties,tinkerbell is in hospital.she crossed the border and her wings are frozen."

i gasped and looked at the queen."i will be back,i have to see tink."

i met with other girls on the half way and we flew to the hospital quickly.

"hurry, girls. what if we're too late?"iridessa said.she is like a mom of our group but none of us mind.we flew right past reception desk but stopped when we heard someone clearing their throat.

"oh. sorry. do you know..."iridessa started but receptionist interrupted her."window."we flew in front of it and silver mist pushed the little cute bug and it buzzed.the woman opened the curtain and asked."patient's name?"

"tinker...bell."we all said at the same time.

receptionist looked at her list."oh, yes.the border crosser.she's..."

"frozen solid?"iridessa said and i nudged her."dessa."i warned.she shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"room two."

i thanked the fairy and pulled the girls to room two.

"tink!"i relaxed when i saw her sitting with a cup in her hand as fairy treated her wings.we flew over to her and rosetta told her."we got here as quick as we could.lea was still with a queen."

girls started to bombard her with their questions and i noticed that vidia came in.the nurse shushed girls but iridessa didn't listen.

"well, did you?"

nurse shushed her again and moved magnifying glass to tinks wings.

vidia noticed it and said."whoa."

we all shushed her while nurse turned the lights off and put magnifying glass away.

"okay. you're all warmed up. let's test your wings."

"oh. sure."tink tried out her wings and they were perfectly normal.

"okay. well, i don't see anything unusual. your wings appears to be fine."

we all sighed in relief.tinkerbell could have lost her wings.

"but what about the sparkling?"i furrowed my eyebrows at her question.what sparkling?

"it must have been the light reflecting off the snow."nurse told her.i saw that tink wanted to say something but i put my hand on her mouth.

"you should have never crossed the border."she scolded her."winter is too cold for our warm fairy wings. now, to be safe, i want you to take two sunflower seeds and come back if there is any problem."she gave her the seeds and i pulled tink up.

"we were worried, tink."silvermist told tink as we got out.

"oh! you are so lucky nothing happened to your wings."fawn told her.

"can you imagine?"rosetta asked.

"but something did happen. they sparkled!"i shook my head at her.she always gets in trouble.

"tink,you heard her. it was just the light reflecting off the snow."

tinker bell tried to protest."no, it wasn't. they actually lit up. it was brighter than a thousand fireflies. you saw it. didn't you, fawn?"fawn was there?what didn't she try to stop her from crossing?

"no."fawn told her.tink looked down for a second and i knew that she was hurt because we don't believe her.i know some wings sparkle but i don't know anything more.

"you don't believe me?"tink asked us.

vidia grimaced and pointed to all of us."who...um..."

"uh. no?"iridessa said.

tinker bell rolled her eyes and looked behind herself to the woods,"look, you guys, it happened. it felt like...like..."

"like what?"i asked her.

"like the winter woods was calling me.you know?"now she's really gone mad.

rosetta chuckled nervously while flying closer to us."get the doctor."she whispered.i nudged her and rolled my eyes at her.

𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘆 - 𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora