(Updated) Chapter 11 - The Carnival

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Charlie: Hey, you still alive?! Haven't heard from you much this week. Wanted to make sure you are surviving the new school ok.

Lila: Sorry I've been MIA! This week has been a lot busier than I expected.

Charlie: Busy good or busy bad?

Lila: Good 😊....... So I did something kind of crazy.

Charlie: I love crazy, what?!

Lila: Joined Romeo's Varsity Cheer team 😬 That's actually why I've been so busy. I've had practice everyday after school and then Payton's been giving me some extra help. Our first football game was last night and I'm happy to report I don't think I made a complete fool of myself.

Charlie: Seriously?! My sister is a CHEERLEADER?? 😳😳 Never thought I'd see the day. What happened to my little tomboy sidekick?! I'm not sure how I feel about this. 🤔

Lila: Hey now, I'm a refined tomboy. I grew out of that stuff years ago.

Charlie: But it had to be cheerleading of all the things you could pick?! 😆

Lila: Excuse me Mr. Judgey! 😠 The team is actually really good I'll have you know. They go to States every year and needed someone who can tumble. Romeo doesn't have a gymnastics team so this seemed like the next best thing. So don't make fun of me. You're the one that told me to open up and try new things!

Charlie: Settle down. I'm just teasing you. I AM proud of you Lies.

Lila: Thanks. Wish you could come to a game to watch. Then you'd see how great my teammates are and understand. They can do all these stunts and pyramids, it's pretty amazing to see! I doubt I'll ever be as good as them at that stuff.

Charlie: I wish I lived closer and wasn't so swamped so I could come up. I'll have to get mom to send me a video or something. I'm still not 100% sure you're not just pranking me 😂

Lila: Whatever 🙄 Make fun of me all you want but I'm happy. Plus getting to watch the game from the sidelines is pretty awesome. 😏 I'm close enough I can practically feel the ground shake when they tackle each other lol.

Charlie: That's my girl! I knew you still had the tomboy part of you deep down 🙌🏻😂

Lila: 🙄 Alright well, I actually need to get going. I have plans with my friends tonight to check out the town carnival. You'll have to harass someone else. Later Loser

Charlie: Love you Lies

Lila: 💗


I drive over to Payton's house to meet up with the girls. She lives only a few blocks from where the carnival is set up in downtown so we're all walking over together from there. By the time I pull up to her driveway their are several more cars than just my girlfriends. I guess all the guys had the same idea to park at Tyler's and head over too. At this point I've been over to Payton's house many times this week but for some reason tonight I feel small butterflies swirling in my stomach as I walk up the steps. I'm standing nervously on the Johnson's front porch waiting for someone to answer the doorbell when it swings open.

"I got it!" I hear Tyler call out. "Well look who it is. Hey Bruiser." He gives me a playful smirk making his dimples pop out.

"Uhh..." I stand in the doorway lost for words at the gorgeous football star. He's shirtless with a towel around his neck, hair still damp from the shower. His chiseled chest and abs are a golden shade of tan from the summer sun. Tyler begins to laugh.

"Come on in. Payton's upstairs." He says, pulling me inside from my dazed gawking on the porch.

"Uhh thanks." I muster out. Rushing past him I head for the staircase, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Why must I be so awkward?

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