(Updated) Chapter 8-Group Text

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"I'm home!"

I announce walking in the front door of our new house.  My mom is in the kitchen finishing up dinner and dad is at the island working on his laptop.

"So.....how was it?!" My parents both look at me with expectation.

"Honestly, it wasn't that bad.  I met some really nice girls from the cheer team.  Payton Johnson—"

"That must be Rick Johnson's girl." My dad interjects.

"Yeah, well anyways like I was saying...Payton and some other girls on the cheer team are who I was hanging out with today. Payton was my escort around school, she seems really nice. Apparently somebody let the cat out of the bag to her dad about all my gymnastics titles so Payton couldn't wait to recruit me for the cheer team when we met this morning.  A little heads up woulda been nice dad. I didn't know you were telling your work colleagues about me." I shoot him a sarcastic glance but he can tell I'm not actually upset with him.

"Sue me, I'm proud of my Lila girl." My dad says with a mushy tone as if he's talking about a beloved pet.

"Is that something you would be interested in Lila? You've never cheered before." My mom questions.

"If you'd asked me earlier today my answer would have been never in a million years. But the more I hung out with Payton and the girls, the more I started to open up to the idea. After seeing them at practice I was really impressed, they are good. States level good. I mean I feel like I have no idea how to be a cheerleader, but getting back on the mat tumbling with them today made me realize how much I miss being apart of a team. I don't know, is it crazy that I kinda want to try it?"

"That doesn't sound crazy at all Lila. I'm really proud of you for opening up to new people and wanting to try something different. I know how hard that can be for you at times." My mom says.

"Well you have my vote!" My dad shuts his laptop and smiles up at us. "I think it's great that you're putting yourself out there Lila. You have always been an athlete your whole life and I think joining a team will be a good way for you to feel more comfortable in our new home."

"So you guys think I should do it?"

"We support you 100% if you want to try it honey. Like your father said, I think this may be what makes you feel more at home here."


Later that night when I'm getting ready for bed I send a text to Payton.

L: I guess your evil plan worked after all.  I talked to my parents. I'm willing to give the cheer team a try ☺️

P: REALLY?! This is the BEST news I've gotten all day! 🥳 Even better than when I found out you beat TJ in the weight room 🤣🤣
Hold on, I'm adding you to our group text so you can tell Kelly, Rachel and Claire yourself....

BFFS Groupchat:
Lila Daniels has been added to the group
P: Guess what...
R: ??
K: You finally stopped being a chicken and just asked Jake out yourself?!
P: No! 😒.....This isn't about me. Lila tell them....
L: You guys wore me down 😉 I've decided to join the team.
C: Yes! So happy to have you Lila! Welcome to the team ❤️
R: You should have held off longer Lila, Payton never even made it to her PowerPoint presentation part of the plan yet 🤣🤣
No, but really... so happy to have you. 🙌🏻
K: Yes! Now we can dominate! Can't wait to watch you kill it👏🏻💪🏻
L: Thanks. I'm nervous and excited. You guys are going to have to teach me a lot so I don't look stupid....
P: Girl, we got you! But you could never look stupid, you're a natural!
K: Ok now that we got Lila on board, can we go back to talking about Jake and Payton??👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼😋
P: No! 🙅🏻‍♀️😡
K: 😂 I figured you'd be too scared to make a move. That's why it's a good thing I have your back......I may have invited Jake and some others to go to the Peach Fest carnival with us Saturday night. You're welcome 😏
P: Excuse me what?!😳
R: Oh snap! Good thinking Kel
P: What did he say?!
K: What do you think? Yes of course! I'm an excellent wing woman 😍
L: What's the Peach Fest Carnival??
P: I can't believe you asked him without telling me.....I haven't even talked to TJ yet😫
Oh and Lila we'll fill you in at school. It's like an end of the summer celebration/kickoff to the new school year thing our town does.
R: Better get on that then Pay....
C: It's fun Lila! Lots of games, rides, food. Everybody goes.
L: 👍🏻
P: Ugh. Ok fine. I've got to go. Wish me luck! Love y'all!💗
K: 💕
R: 💜
C: Night ♥️

I put down my phone and change into some sweats. Crawling into my bed I suddenly feel exhausted. It's probably from all the anxiety I had leading into today and now that it's over I'm ready to crash. I should call Charlie to fill him in on everything but when I get under my covers I decide that can wait until tomorrow.

When I close my eyes and play back the day in my mind I don't know how it came about that Payton found me, but I'm so thankful she did. It feels like it was meant to happen this way. I'm drifting off to sleep with a smile on my face when a certain tall, handsome, football player crosses into my mind.

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