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For a few seconds after reading that one page, there is silence.

"She called us mutts!"

"Why does she even have this!?"

"She's a princess?!"

The last question was asked by me.

I look at Marco and Tamreen in confusion. I've never heard of the last name Vedraken and it is not the last name she uses at school.

The question that is running in our minds is what Justina really is.

"I think we've waited too long. Let's head to the labs and talk to Professor Aurelia." I say with determination.

The two nod and stand up. We decide to leave our books on the table because nobody else is going to be doing homework. Gabriel, Brett and Raider did their homework as soon as they got home from school. The trio of goody two shoes.

"Hold it." I hear my father's stern voice.

We turn around and see my dad standing at the foot of the stairs with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Where do you three think you're going?" He continues.

Instead of giving a reply, we look at each other.

I gulp down my nerves and speak up.
"We're headed off to the labs. I picked up a book belonging to a classmate and I'm sure that-"

He raises an open hand. Meaning, shut up and listen.

He then holds out his hand. I sigh before giving him Justina's book. He silently reads the page we just read and goes on to other pages.

Marco starts getting fidgety while I clear my throat.
Tamreen stares at the ground as if it is the latest instalment of a gripping K-drama series.

My dad lifts his head up and closes the book.
"I have to make a few phone calls. Go along. Be back before it's dark and don't forget to finish up your homework. I'm checking tonight."

We nod and rush out the door before he can change his mind.

As soon as we reach the large white building, the automatic doors open and we are doused in sanitizing sprays.

"I forgot how annoying this place is." Marco says.

I walk down the hallways to where I know Professor Aurelia's office is. Down the main hallway, left, left, right, down the stairs and the biggest door at the end of the passage.

I press the green button next to her door and the machine speaks.
"Professor Aurelia is present. Enter."

The revolving door opens itself and Professor Aurelia looks up from her large desk as if she were expecting us.

"Good afternoon, Renegade, Miss Marajan and Mr Asterick Jr." She says politely.

"I go by Barnes now." Marco mumbles.

Professor Aurelia's small frame, glasses and reserved demeanor give away the fact that she is an Omega. A damn smart one.

"Professor, remember those samples I gave you last week?"  I ask.

"I remember those, and on the contrary, I had forgot to send a lab assistant to give you the results. They came back yesterday." She says while rummaging through compartments of her metal desk.

Marco and Tamreen give me worried looks. For some reason, I don't have a good feeling about this.

"I'll explain this in terms you'll understand. We've run separate tests on the two solids you brought and we have confirmed that they are indeed made of the same material."

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