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" ...If I ever hear that you are attacking guests again, mark my words pup, you are never entering that museum again. Don't think that's all, your alpha coronation will be moved. It's clear you aren't ready for any form of responsibility." My mother fumes.

"And as for you, young lady, for harming an innocent cub, you are receiving punishment too. You are to report to the school's cleaners everyday after school and help with cleaning the boarding establishment." She is standing up and growling at this point.

"Do I make myself clear?" She says very placidly.

Justina and I nod our heads.

"Do I make myself clear!?"

"Yes, Alpha!" The two of us answer.

She sits back down on her office chair and shoos us away.

My mother was very lenient with our punishments in my opinion.

"This is not the end, Alpha." Justina seethes under her breath.
Her fiery eyes glow and she blows a puff of smoke into my face.

I cough as the smoke particles enter my lungs. I grab hold of her arm and force her to turn around. She glares at me.

"How'd you do that? Are you a witch?" I ask.

"Wouldn't you like to know." She tugs her arm back and walks forward.

I watch her exit our pack house. I know Beta Bonnie and Raider heard my mom yelling since her office is not sound proof. Plus, she's got one heck of a yell.

"You know, there are real threats lurking just beyond our borders and you chose a classmate, of all people, to brawl with." Raider says while biting into an apple.

"Just leave me alone, Ray. I want to let out some steam." I run out of the pack house and go for a quick run.

For some reason, I feel tense. Like something bad is going to happen.

For a moment, I contemplate shifting into my wolf form. Just in case.

In the bushes. North north east. Something's attacking Tristan! Ailith growls.

I swear my wolf only speaks in growls.

Ignoring all distractions, I sprint to where Tristan, one of our guards, is stationed.

When I arrive at the scene, my wolf jaw opens wide.


Not a single stone out of place. In fact, there wasn't even an unusual scent in the air. I sniff the place more thoroughly.
I pick up on the scent of a pack member. Mint leaves and pineapple. The familiar smell that almost always used to follow my uncle Linkin.

It is faint, but recognizable. I follow the scent until I reach a cliff. I immediately morph back to my human form and gasp.

I climb down the steep slope, not caring how crazy I look free-climbing down a cliff naked.
When I reach the bottom, I immediately check for a pulse.

My heart sinks. He's gone.

Another pack member lost to these monsters. I allow my tears to fall as I mourn for him.

I couldn't save Nora.

I was too late to save Tristan.

"Cowards!! Bloody cowards! Why attack us in the shadows instead of facing us head on!" I shout to no one in particular as I held Tristan's head on my lap.

His body is cold, but his skin still looks healthy, as if he would open his eyes and say, "Gotcha kiddo! Next, I'm pranking your daddy."

He will never prank my dad now.

I hear a rustling in the bushes. A ferocious growl leaves my mouth as I bare my elongated canines. My hands have enlarged and formed claws.

I feel Ailith surfacing due to my anger. The grotesque monsters all stare at me.

Pure, raw rage consumes me as I attack the creatures. With every ounce of strength pulsing through my body, I break the creatures' bones and rip ligaments and muscle.

I growl ferociously as I sadistically end the last one's life by crushing it's blackened skull.

I breathe heavily as I look at the mess I've made. My anger subsides and it dawns on me what I just did. I did all that without having to shift into my wolf form.

My body is coated in putrid black ooze and I smell like death. The horrible smell stings my nose.

As I make my way to Tristan's body, a few pack members arrive with the Betas. Most of them are in wolf form, those in human form are carrying ropes and chains.

I look at them in disbelief. Do they think I need to be tied up like a rabid animal?

Gabriel's mom, Beta female Bonnie walks up to me. 
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" She says softly as if I were a kitten.

"Tristan died! And you're asking about me!? He has a mate out there who is now mateless and you ask if I'm okay? Leave me alone!" I bark.

Before she can scold me, I run away and into the forest. I need to get cleaned and it seems I'm gonna have to be climbing walls.


Marco and Tamreen both look at me as if I were crazy.

"I don't know how, but I really was fueled by my anger. No shifter, witch or vampire has actually attacked these creatures before and I singlehandedly killed a group of them." I elaborate.

Tamreen looks thoughtful for a minute.
"Could it be possible that it's also because you have royal blood?"

My room is quiet after that suggestion. If that were the case, Raider should be just as strong as I am. And if it really was because of royal blood, then why couldn't the Vampire King Antonio's late cousin, Count Vontemez, defend himself against these monsters?

A memory flashes through my mind.

(Seven years ago)

"Raider, watch out!" I push my brother behind me as the orange-eyed monster creeps closer to us.

My twin quivers in fear and I want to cry. But I'm older, I need to protect my little brother.
I can't lose Raider like how I lost Nora.
I lost Nora. Nora.

"Run, Rade!" Were her last words as one of these creatures bit into her neck and dragged her away.

I bare my canines and growl like a real wolf.
I had to protect Raider.

I see red and black only as I snarl and pounce at the creature. It will not get me or my brother.

When I finally stop tearing the monster apart, I realize that Raider is gone. I scream, then throw the monster out of the window and wipe my hands.
I killed a monster. Now I'm the monster.
My brother is scared of me now.

I blink rapidly and clutch my aching head. I don't recall ever remembering this at the time. I start recalling instances where I caught my mother saying stuff to my late aunt, Storm's gravesite.

Tamreen and Marco rush to hold me up when I fall over from dizziness.

I know.

I know everything.


She thinks she knows everything, but does she really? *lowers glasses*
Only one way to find out! (Turn the page/scroll down)

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