almost time

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I spent all my time healing in my bedroom on my brother's orders. He's king now and a good one at that. The past month he's been king he's really connected with our people. He couldn't leave the castle for safety reasons but we did have townsfolk come in from all over the kingdom. Along with them, they brought gifts for my brother and his wife and wished me easy healing as well as a congratulations on my soon-to-be wedding.

The past week I've been trying to get up and move around. I've gotten my strength back some but not all. I suppose I'll never get it all back. Half of my body had begun to shut down. Whatever was wrong with me stopped before things got bad but still, I'm not who I used to be. I'm physically incapable to fight anymore. I could barely run now too and everything seems to feel heavier. The chief said it must've been from the lack of oxygen I was getting the past month but now that I'm healed, I should be fine.

Although I'm sad I can't fight anymore or even play fight, I wasn't really able to dwell on it. Zen had become overly protective. God, it was embarrassing sometimes to watch him.. He's not afraid to hide the fact we're together anymore either. In fact, he's always pressed to my side. It's even worse during public events..

2 months had finally passed. I was more than healed and full of energy yet still couldn't physically do much although I pushed it anyway. It was time I packed my things to go back to clarines and stay. They packed my room, my office, anything I had. But before we left and ventured on a new journey.. We had a going-away party. It was more like a celebration of my and zens engagement. People from all over came, even some from the lions of the mountain. I dressed up in my best outfit. It was something white and not showy much. I can't exactly handle moving in large dresses anymore, they're too heavy for me. Zen wore something equally as nice and we even wore our crowns. I always love it when I see that on him, I can't explain why..

"Ready?" I hummed to zen as he walked us down to the ballroom.

"I'd rather you not be somewhere so crowded again. I don't want you getting hurt.." he told me with a growl in his throat. He really hates me being in front of people. He hates the idea of me being in such an open space without a way to protect myself.

"We're royal, we'll always be in danger no matter where we are.." I hummed as I guided us down the hall.

"Yeah, yeah.." he mumbled under his breath.

"This is our party anyway," I smiled as I gently took his hand, "who'll dare mess with the bride when the groom is always by her side?" I gave a little grin to him.

"You're right.." He shook his head with q smile.

"Besides, I'm a total beast. Everyone should be too scared to take me on by now" I smiled and kept my chin held high.

"Ah- no! Stop thinking like that!" He tugged my hand just a little and got closer to my side, "you're not invincible!" He whined at me.

"Sure feels like I am" I hummed proudly as I kept marching along.

"You're an absolute disaster.." he muttered and sighed. I've got too strong of willpower to not win. I'll always make it somehow.

Well, that's what I was thinking till the party started. All my girl friends pulled me aside to talk about the wedding. Not specifically the ceremony but the happens after.  That's when I turned into a mess.

"As long as you're not too dominant you should be just fine-" this was Aria speaking to me. I had Juniper and Kiki and even Shirayuki here. I was holding Lila sitting down while the girls ranted. I'm glad Shirayuki got to come along with Lila but gosh.. this is a lot.

"I don't know, obi liked being coddled," Shirayuki told aira with a shrug. I gagged hearing that one. I did not need to know that.

"No, okay, yeah, that's enough.." I mumbled and felt sick to my stomach.

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