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Hello, my friends!
I'm here to let you know that I haven't forgotten this lovely book. I'm actually 9 chapters ahead that have not been posted. I'll be posting them soon but this is a WARNING!

From here we near the end of the book. One more big event will happen that'll leave you feeling depressed. This is a trigger warning!  ⚠️

You'll seeing things like Sexual Harrasment, Death, Murder, Depression- it gets worse than what you've ever read from this story.

It won't be like that for long but for about 6 chapters, you'll read some heavy stuff. When I'm ready to post them, I will. I'm trying to make it perfect. Thank you for your patience and thanks for staying with me this past year and a half<3

With love, Author J

Teach Me How To Live    -~Zen Wistaria x Reader~-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora