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Aidan woke up to see 56 crying. He looked at the time, and it said 1:38 AM. "Did you have a nightmare?" Aidan asked. "Y-Yes..." 56 shakily answered. Aidan sighed and sat at the end of the bed. "What was it about?" Aidan wasn't too surprised that 56 got a nightmare. It had been a tough week for him, and he was bound to be traumatized from staying in that fucking place for most of his life. "I-It was about... Everyone dying... The doctors were... Killing them... We weren't able to save them..." So that explains it. Aidan hugged 56 shortly after he said that to calm him down. "Don't worry. I guarantee you that I won't let that nightmare become reality. But you should go back to sleep. It's really late." Aidan promised 56 that he would help him and all the subjects, and he wasn't about to break that promise. 56 nodded and after a few minutes, he finally went back to sleep. Aidan smiled and went back to his own bed. Instead of sleeping, he thought of ways they were going to sneak back in that hellhole of a lab. Aidan knew that the uniform was going to give him away, so he opened the closet. There were a ton of different shirts and pants in there, and Aidan changed into a blue and white striped T-shirt and some jeans. Aidan stepped into the bathroom and looked for some scissors. He found some scissors and some hair dye in the same drawer. He cut some of his hair for it to be shorter, and dyed his red hair. The now-brunette stepped out of the bathroom and went to his bed. He fell asleep after a few minutes. The next morning, he woke up to 56 looking around the cabin. "Good morning, 56..." Aidan greeted as he fell off his bed. "Good morning. Did you dye your hair?" 56 asked. Aidan nodded. He threw 56 some clothes and started packing. "We're going back to the lab. Get ready." Aidan helped 56 change into a NASA shirt and some jeans. "How do I look?" 56 asked. "You look great. But we should do something about your hair so you aren't recognizable." 56 nodded, and let Aidan take him to the bathroom. Aidan dyed 56's dark brown hair a light blonde and gave 56 a new haircut. "What do you think?" Aidan asked. He wasn't sure what 56 thought of it. "It's awesome! Thank you!" Aidan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. He got 56 a jacket from the closet (to hide the fact that he was armless) and helped 56 put it on. Aidan grabbed the backpack and they both started their long walk back to the lab.••• 0 woke up on the cold floor of his cell. He remembered what Dr. Andie told him. Very clearly. 0 slowly lifted himself off the floor and looked out the window of his cell. Doctors frantically running around the place like maniacs. 'Oh wait, they are.' 0 found the dead bug he was playing with a few days ago and started playing with it. Ten minutes later, Dr. Andie unlocked 0's door. 0 rolled his eyes and spared the scientist a glance. "What do you want?" "I came to get you. We still have to do those tests, you know." Dr. Andie gave 0 a smile before grabbing his hand and pulled him out of the cell. He led 0 to the same room he took 0 the day before. One of the experiments required a blood sample from 0, and 0 let Dr. Andie get it. Dr. Andie took the blood sample and brought it over to a desk. He set the blood sample on the desk and scribbled something on a piece of paper. He put the piece of paper in a file, which then was thrown in a drawer. Dr. Andie hated that he had to do this to 0, but it was necessary so that Dr. Andie could find a cure. He was lucky he didn't get caught yet. Extremely lucky. While Dr. Andie was working, he saw a grown man and a little boy outside the window.

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