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I am sitting at one of the comfy couches at my huge lawn looking at the beautiful view in front of me ,listening to the chirping of the birds and the sounds of the crickets in the distance. It was already noon and the weather was very hot .However the dark clouds in the sky told a complete different story .It seemed as if it was about to rain .i don't like the rainy seasons because the lightning makes me feel alone . Somehow the word alone ,led the picture of Evelyn and Lucas holding their hands flashed in my mind suddenly. I just cannot take out the words of Lucas from my mind , that he liked Evelyn. I don't know why he likes someone as clumsy as Evelyn .Although she is pretty and smart and attentive but that's all.. And how dare he flirt with my employee in front of me. THAT'S RUDE. She is my Personal Secretary and it is my duty to protect her from the slutty people like Lucas who changes girls just like changing his clothes .( although he himself was like that ,LOL.). If she gets hurt in the future then I will lose an hardworking and able employee and that would be a great loss for me and this company. So I couldn't afford to lose her in any aspects .I would protect her at any costs.

The rain started pouring and I proceeded to go inside my mansion .But it felt like an eternity since I drenched myself in the rain. A small voice in my mind advised me not to do so because if I became sick then all the meetings would be cancelled .But my heart was not ready to listen to my mind .I stood in the same place as before and decided to enjoy the rain. as the cool raindrops touched my skin ,I felt somewhat relaxed as I looked up at the sky viewing the dark clouds .I closed my eyes to hear the sound of the rain drops. It felt so good to let my thoughts away and hear the rain pouring. My house keeper Anna requested me to go inside because otherwise I would be sick and I listened to her concern for me.

Anna is a 60 year old woman who has been working as a housekeeper in my mansion for the past forty years. She looked after me like her own child and took care of me .Since I was a child ,my parents were always out for conferences or business meetings. They left Anna to look after me. She was just like my mother. I could trust her with everything. That is the reason why sometimes when I don't listen to my parents ,they ask Anna to make me understand because they know that I respect her and will listen to anything she says including the blind dates .

After I came inside the house , my clothes were completely drenched wet and ACHOO! Oh no I guess I am going to be sick .What will happen to the work in the office. Although I have managers to look after the various works but I don't trust them at all. As I was becoming hyper with all these thoughts ,Anna said,'' Son ,go and take a hot bath ,till then I will make your favourite ginger garlic soup for you .It will help you in recovering from cold .''.Thank god she was here to take care of me . I smiled at her softly and I went upstairs to take a hot bath.

After a quick and refreshing bath ,I wore my bathrobe and came to my office room .I had to complete some file works as well as sign them .As I flipped through the pages of a file, I saw that these was not the file I wanted . In fact these were the previous year old files. This woman is not at all serious in her work I suppose .Instead of giving me the recent files, she sent the previous year files. I don't know what should I do with her. Let me give her a call and ask her if she can bring the files now ,because why not it was only 7 PM.

As I dialed her number ,after about three rings ,she received the call. Her voice came from the other side,'' Hello sir ''. I took a deep breath to control the anger bobbling inside me and replied her ,''CAN YOU TELL ME THE REASON BEHIND WHICH YOU SENT ME THE PREVIOUS YEAR FILES IN PLACE OF THE RECENT ONES.'',I nearly shouted at her ,making her silent for some time. She never left any single chance to piss me off .SHE answered," SORRY SIR,ACTUALLY AT THAT TIME I WAS DOING SOME PAPER WORKS ,SO I PICKED UP THE WRONG FILES.I AM VERY SORRY SIR .'',she apologized .BUT I DIDN'T WANT HER SORRY SO INSTEAD I REMARKED ." SORRRY DOESN'T WORK HERE.PLEASE BRING THE FILES NOW IN MY HOUSE .I NEED TO-------------",before I could complete my sentence ,I heard a male voice from the other side of the call. .She whispered something to that voice ,I couldn't make out clearly about that. She replied,"yes sir I will reach there immediately''. I don't know why I felt more angry than before, something snapped inside me and I replied," NO NEED TO COME .JUST BE SINCERE AND THAT WILL WORK .AND TRY TO BE MORE PROFFESSIONAL FROM NEXT TIME MISS EVELYN STONE.''I snapped at her and before she could say anything ,I disconnected the call. I just couldn't make out the reason behind which I became angry .I guess it was just a reflex action .




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