Bonus - shorts

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Micah above^

1 and a half years after the war at meadows

1: Nora's Boy toy

Nora's pov:

I was fucking bored at the castle so I came to wander on earth.
After Nyx was gone the castle seemed bleak and bitter. And it was depressing to stay in the castle.
Most of us preferred living somewhere else rather than the castle.
After Nyx went to sleep and we renovated the place. We stopped the ceremony and party of Nyx's birthday and the bell was covered. It wasn't to be rung until Nyx comes back. We couldn't do it since Nyx was the one who sealed the spell.
The once vibrant castle walls seem grey and I can't help but feel sad.

So I left and here I was spending my time in the New York City. It was nice , I went to some good cafes, did some shopping and got a new hairstyle. I was welcomed her by the Viper herself. She was nice and I was staying with her clan for my time here in New York. She was a friend of Nyx.

I was walking the streets of New York as the midnight set in.
The streets were now empty with only a few passers here and there.
I used to come here with Nyx and Nick during Christmas.
I walked leaving footprints in the snow , lost in my own world .

A weird sensation hit me. Like my mind was a giant bell and someone hit it with a hammer. I think I knew what it was.
I heard a muffled scream from an alley nearby. It was a woman's scream and I think she was getting robbed or something.
I sped up and stopped at the alley and saw a vampire sucking out from a girl. Not something I expected but not surprising since the city is ruled by vampires.

What surprised me was it was him, my supposed mate. God I can't believe it I found him here?! On a random day in January .

I smiled giddily and mentally squealed. Gosh I have been looking for him since centuries.
I observed him, watching what he would do. He removed himself from the girls neck. He bit his wrist and made her drink his blood.

"You are healed now go forget this happened!" He compelled her and the girl ventured away.

"Well well well quite a gentleman you are" I moved gracefully walking to him.
He must have got alert since he grabbed me suddenly.

"Who are you?" He asked as he lifted me suddenly baring his fangs at me and then realization stuck him and dropped me.

"You are my supposed other half?" He asked astonished.

"Yep." I smiled as I took in his handsome face.
He sighed sadly and I frowned.

"What is it?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Its just- I don't know how to tell you this."he sighed again turning away from me.
Was he rejecting me or what?
" I have to go. I can't stay longer or the sun will come up." He said and moved away from me. I grabbed him.
"You aren't a daywalker?! That's totally fine . We'll talk somewhere else." I said and getting up I started dragging him away.

"Wait wait where are you taking me?" He asked and god he looked so cute.
He had a slight beard and sharp jaw and god his eyes were olive green. He looked like a vogue model to be honest. He was very handsome and cute.

"With me , duh?" I rolled my eyes at him.
"I  can't leave this city and when the day sets in we'll burn! And Kai won't let me leave" He argued.

"Who's kai?" I asked dropping his hand.

" He is the governor of this part of city.
Kai and his men saved me from the river six months ago where my car crashed.
He turned me and well he makes me bring people so he and the clan can feed and I cant leave.
I can't walk in sun like him!" He said dejectedly .

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