Chapter 24 : Trouble in Paradise

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Dylan above

Axel's Pov:

I jerked in my sleep and woke up with a dizzy and foggy brain.

My head throbbed in pain as I stirred awake from the drunken sleep.

A mop of hairs all over my face made me smile and I hugged Nyx closer to my chest.

'Nyx' let out very feminine grunt and I slightly opened my eyes to glance at him but my eyes snapped open wide when I saw the person in my arms was not Nyx.

A naked and hickey covered Emily lied in my arms and I immediately pulled back myself.

The thought of doing something with her made my stomach Churn weirdly.
I got up from the bed hastily making my head go dizzy.

Emily was laying there naked and
Oh god we didn't did we?

Shit! shit! shit! shit!

Oh my god I cheated on Nyx with a girl , that to my bitch of a ex.

I saw a used condom laying around and my fear were confirmed that we did had sex.
Atleast we used protection, but shit I cheated on him.

God he will kill me , he'll be so dissapointed.
Shit , fuck what should I do?!

"Emily get up!" I growled shaking her.

"What babe?"she mumbled sleepily.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out of my house!" I was furious at her and most of all at myself.

" But why?"she asked raising her head , her head was disheveled and she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

" EMILY GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW!" I screamed at her.

She flinched and sat up hastily.
Then quickly grabbed her clothes and ran outside mumbling 'what a dick'.

I grabbed my hair in frustration.
Why!? Why did I have to go and sleep with her.

Shit what did happen? I don't even remember anything after I cam home and thrashed the house.

What happened after that?! How did I end up here?

Then I remembered that Nyx cheated on me.
But it was just a kiss.

God I'm an idiot.

I was devastated indeed but did I had to go and do this?!

Nyx told me he would never cheat on me let alone think of someone else but he did it anyway but then again I also never gave him a chance to explain himself.

Now when I was sobber I realises how much I have fucked up.
I hadn't asked him about it.

I was feeling so dizzy , so I decided to have coffee.
I made my way to the kitchen to drink some special strong coffee and have something for my headache.

Nyx would have kept some medicines for me by the bedside.

The living room was a mess. And I groaned in frustration seeing the mess I made in my drunk state.

I took two advil and gulped it down.
Switching on the coffee maker I waited

I rubbed my face in frustration.

How was I supposed to explain it all to Nyx.
I realised I didn't see Nyx anywhere.
Where was he?

(⚠️ Trigger warning : blood⚠️)

Suddenly I remembered parts of things .
Things that happened after Nyx came home.
The memories of us in the playroom , me whipping the blood out of him filled my mind.
I gagged and dropped my cup in horror .

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