|Chapter 34|

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|The beginning|

Third person POV

Days had gone by and nothing had happened. Giovanni was still in hiding with his rather small army and the Russians had just prepared to fly to New York. But that didn't mean that nothing had happened in the Romano mansion. Álvaro and a few of his men had arrived two days ago, making sure nothing happened to his future Queen -he didn't really care about the rest of the Romano family but for the sake of his head he would protect them too (Valentina had threatened him). The Greek and British Mafia were in their positions too. Their task was to keep the Russians from helping Giovanni -which meant to take them out of the picture.

"Everyone's in their positions. The Russians are supposed to land tonight but we never know", Valentina passed the information she had gotten from her twin on, walking into her brother's office where everyone else was waiting for her, Ruby following. Álvaro sat away from the others, they didn't like him and he didn't like them.

"Anything new about Giovanni?", Álvaro asked, letting her sit on his lap since there were no more seats. She shook her head, typing on her phone. Álvaro looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing.

"Derek said the Russians just boarded their plane", she then said, looking up from her phone, before typing back an answer and shutting off her phone. Now, they needed to wait, just like the last few days. But unlike the last days they weren't constantly calling this and that person to have all of their alliances updated. There wasn't anything to update now.

"What about the Americans?", Lorenzo asked his older brother. He sighed.

"They're still looking out for Giovanni. But he sent some of his men to keep a look on the paths that lead to here", he said, slumping back in his seat. "He's got them stationed around the forest, the main street and the hidden streets." His siblings and his sister's soon to be nodded in acknowledgement.

"The Russians are out of the picture", Alessandro said as soon as his siblings started to pile into the kitchen.

"At least some good news", Valentina said, walking in with Álvaro. "It seems that Giovanni wants to go through with his plan. With or without the Russians. The Americans just caught sight of him on his way here."

"How long away?", Ruby asked as calmly as ever, eating her breakfast. Valentina and Álvaro sat down, putting food on their plates.

"Around half an hour to an hour away from the mansion." It was now that it seemed to hit them all. This was real. Their own uncle wants them dead.

Valentina roundhouse kicked the Sicilian man away from her, letting him fall over the railing just like she had a few weeks away. But he wasn't going to survive that fall, Val was making sure of that. She picked up her gun, which she had dropped while fighting, and shot him before his body hit the ground. Head shot. She put her gun away again and backed up a bit. Her back collided with Álvaro's. As she listened through the small earpiece to Ruby directing their men through the mansion to take out the enemies.

"You good?", he asked, slightly out of breath.

Val hummed, looking around to make sure no one was going to attack them. "You?", she then asked back. He hummed too. Valentina nodded, although she knew he couldn't see her.

"Seems like everyone is downstairs. Seen Giovanni already?", Valentina said, still with her back against Álvaro's.

"No. Maybe he wants his men to weaken us first, to make sure he can kill us without getting injured himself." Good theory; probably true. Again, Valentina hummed.

"I heard Lorenzo met someone", Álvaro stated, looking into the different rooms to make sure no one was there who shouldn't be there.

"Yeah, he wanted to introduce us to her when all of this is over", Val said, doing the same as her soon to be. "Found someone?" Álvaro shook his head. "Me neither. Let's go downstairs then and help out a bit." They moved down the stairs, careful not to get shot.

"Is everyone alright?", Ruby asked, coming out of the panic room that she had been in with her brother Francesco. Alessandro was glad that she had decided to maneuver them through this mess- that way he knew she was safe. For her protection he sent Francesco with her, because he knew that she would be way too absorbed with her laptop to notice anyone -like Giovanni- entering the panic room to hurt her. That was another con of having your uncle as an enemy when he acted like a friend all along -he knew where everything was in your house.

"Did anyone see Giovanni?", Antonio asked, tucking Ruby under his arm to make sure that even if they had overseen an enemy she wouldn't get hurt. Yes, Antonio could be sweet and caring.

"No, but I know that Dario is already on his way. If we capture Giovanni he wants to treat him like any other traitor", Alessandro said, before going back to ordering his men around. He wanted this whole area searched for any enemies -he had made them search the mansion three times already and he could tell that his men were slowly getting fed up by it, but he didn't care. Most of the dead bodies -who were mostly men from Giovanni- were already out of the mansion, but there was still all the blood because they didn't have any time to clean up yet. They couldn't allow any mistakes now, it was too dangerous. Everyone was focused on the enemy instead of cleaning up.

Giovanni was far from done.

To be continued...

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