|Chapter 2|

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|Rose McCan|

Ruby POV

The social worker, Linda, was quite nice. But still I would not trust her. Afterall, she was a stranger to me and my sister.

"Now that we have your DNA, I am very positive that we will find some relatives of yours. As I told you before, I will be working very close with the police to find someone. When we have found a match we'll have to look everything up about that person or the persons. We also have to make a background check, so we know that you are in good hands", Linda explained. It was a lot to take in, but my sister and I knew how to handle it.

"What if we don't want to live with those people? Even if they have a clean background", Val asked. I know exactly what she was thinking about. And honestly, I had the same question in mind.

"Well, you'll still be living with them. For a few weeks at least. And then, I would come and visit you and if there is a good reason for you not to live there, like abuse, then I would take you with me and find someone else you could be staying with", Val and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. We were thinking about the same exact thing. We both looked back at Linda and nodded in understanding.

"Good, since you will be released tomorrow morning, I already found a nice lady that offered to take you two in until we are done with everything. Her name is Rose McCan. She is around sixty and very sweet and nice. I can reassure you that you'll like her, a lot."

There was a knock on the door and two police officers walked in the room. Linda quickly got up and left, so we could talk to them in privacy, she is odd.

Their names were Officer Clarke and Officer Diggory -like Cedric in Harry Potter. If his first name is Cedric? Should I ask? Probably not.

"We only have a few questions about the night on wednesday. First, would you two like to tell us what you remember", well, let's get the plan rolling.

"Not much, I remember sitting in the living room with John and my sister, we were watching some TV. And all of the sudden some men, about four or five, with masks on, were breaking down our door. And then-", I started to let some tears run down my cheeks and my hands to shake. On top of that I let out a quiet sob. Damn, I should become an actress.

"They started to search for something, through the whole house. John tried to protect us, he was afraid of them and seemed to know them. Two of them held us at gunpoint, so we wouldn't move, I guess. All of the sudden, they started yelling, and one of them hit Ruby in the head. Then they heard the sirens, I guess, they shot John and then left", Valentinas voice was shaking, just as her hands. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, quickly grabbing my hand with hers for mental support. That's what it must look like to the officers, judging on the pity they showed us.

Ha, John and afraid. As if.

"Can you describe the men a bit more?", Officer Diggory asked. Val and I shook our heads.

"It happened so fast and we were so shocked. We didn't really pay attention, I guess", Valentina said, acting like she was trying to calm herself down by taking deep breaths in and out. The officers nodded and proceeded to ask us some more questions about John and the other men, but quickly gave up when they noticed that we wouldn't be much of a use to them. Then they left.

"Kak ty dumayesh', my mozhem doveryat' Linde? (Do you think we can trust Linda?)", I asked Valentina in Russian shortly after the officers had left, we both spoke it fluently. She shrugged her shoulders.

"We shouldn't worry too much about her. More about what she and the police could find out about our family", she said. She was right. If Linda would find out about our brothers, who lived in New York, she would probably send us there. And that was a problem, but that was a subject for another day.

"Here we are! Mrs.McCan is already waiting for you. She said that she prepared lunch for you two", Linda said, obviously, way more excited than us. We left the car, took our luggage and joined Linda at the door. We had to wait a bit before the old lady opened, but Linda was right. Rosa McCan was very nice and sweet. She led Valentina and me to the bedroom we would be staying in for a while, so we could leave our luggage there. Then we went into the kitchen, to eat and talk about everything.

Apparently we weren't the first "children" she took care of. She had told us that she was unable to become children, because she had uterine cancer when she was younger. A few years after the doctors had taken out her uterus to remove the cancer, she decided to adopt two young boys - they were actually biological brothers and she wanted them to grow up together. When the boys were in their teenage years, she sometimes let children like us stay at her house until the social workers and the police had found a permanent home for them or until it would be decided that the children needed to go into foster care. She had also said that her sons were now both in their twenties and one of them actually is a police officer, while the other one is in college. She was really proud of them. I wish I had a mother like she was. But mine never cared about me and my sister. She always told us how much she hated us, until one day -not actually long ago- she stopped coming home. She was run over by a car, it was a hit and run case.

From that day on we lived with our stepfather, John. And well our step brother Derek. We went to a boarding school with him, but that is a story for a different day.

To be continued...

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