Twenty f.o.u.r

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Nikhil rushed out and picked up the letter. Though he teared it, still the words were visible.

"Yes!! I knew it!! This can't be avantika. Her handwriting is not like this. Someone else has done this. I am coming to find you avi.", nikhil gleamed.

He picked up his coat and went outside towards his car. He got inside the car. He was about to go but suddenly he heard some footsteps.

Someone was coming down through stairs. He sat quietly to see who was there when everyone else was gone.

He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that person was shivam. What is he doing here right now.

Nikhil felt that something is suspicious and shivam is hiding something from him. No other staff members spoke against avantika only shivam was the one. Nikhil felt like shivam wasn't telling him about avantika, rather he was justifying himself.

It was dark that's why shivam didn't notice nikhil was there.

Shivam got into his car and drove out. Nikhil started following him but he kept some distance between their cars so that shivam would not see him.

Nikhil called up the police, maintaining his eyes on shivam so that he couldn't get lost.


Shivam stopped his car in front of a house. There were two guards, standing outside. Shivam talked to them and then entered inside.

Does this house belong to shivam?? This is getting more suspicious. I should wait for the police, nikhil pondered. He parked his car at a distance so that no one could spot him. He continued to stay inside the car.

Shivam entered the room and turned on the lights.

"How are you beautiful??", shivam uttered with a smirk on his face.

On hearing the voice, avantika opened her eyes.

"Get lost ", avantika yelled, trying to free herself.

Avantika was tied with a chair with the help of a rope which was cutting her hands, blood was flowing through her bruised wrists. Her eyes were swollen up due to crying. Her hairs were open and scattered.

"Oh baby!! Till when will you remain angry with me", shivam said as he went dangerously close to her earlobe and his hands were moving on her armlength.

Avantika wanted to jerk him away but she didn't have any energy left to fight back. She had not eaten anything since one day, not even a drop of water. On the top of that she was continuously being given drugs to keep her unconscious. She was so fragile to do anything to save herself.

"Why are you doing this??", she wanted to shout but it came out like a whisper.

Shivam moved a step back, "Because I want to be the head of Malik's company . I am going to destroy the Malik's company. You know who did the scam with Malik's in 2011??"

Avantika watched him with wrath in her eyes.

"My dad. He was not successful in destroying Malik's. But I am going to do that for him. I have transferred all the money from the Kolkata project to my account. And and and do you know who is getting the blame??", he said, looking straight into her eyes and his hands resting on her shoulders.

"Mrs. Avantika Malik. Yes, you. You were looking at the finances so now everyone will blame you".

"I will tell the truth to everyone as soon as I get out from here", avantika stuttered.

Shivam started laughing and then said,"Who is letting you go? I am selling you to a sex trafficker of Iran and everyone will think you fled away with the money".

Tears started streaming down through her eyes. "No"

"I will do that but before that I am going to enjoy your beauty", he said burying his head in the crook of her neck and kissed her on her neck. His arms snaked around her waist.

"NO!!!", avantika shouted as loud as she could.

Nikhil heard it. "Avantika", her name escaped from his mouth.

Nikhil didn't think of anything else and ran towards the house. The guards tried to stop him and he started fighting with them.

Inside, shivam cupped Avantika's face and tried to kiss her on her lips. Avantika tried to stroke him away. She kicked him with full force and he fell down.

He stood up and smirked, "I had my eyes on you since the day I saw you in your reception. Today I have got the chance to make you mine".

Shivam unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He freed avantika from the ropes. She quickly stood up and tried to run but shivam held her bleeding wrist and slammed her on the wall. He fastly covered the distance and held Avantika's waist.

"Help!! Somebody help!!", she yelled.

Suddenly the door slammed open and nikhil entered inside with police. Nikhil pulled shivam by his arm and gave a smack on his face due to which he fell down.

"You rascal!! How dare you touch my wife", nikhil abused.

Nikhil started punching shivam so hard on his face that his hand started bleeding.

"I trusted you so much and you did this to me.

The police officers separated them and took shivam and the bodyguards with them.

Nikhil turned and looked at avantika. She was standing close to the wall and had clutched the curtains which were hanging next to her. She was looking like a lifeless statue.

"Avi", nikhil said walking closer to her but she didn't respond.

Nikhil put his hand on her left shoulder and she shivered on his touch .

"Don't worry avi!! Shivam has gone. I am with you", he said, holding her hand.

She tried to move but she fainted due to mental stress and injuries. Nikhil lifted her in his arms and brought her back to the hotel.

He laid her on bed and covered her with a blanket.

Nikhil called a doctor right then.

The doctor told that she was fine and needs rest. The doctor applied bandages on her wounds and went after giving some medicine prescriptions.

Nikhil sat beside her, caressing her head and tears in his eyes.

"I love you avantika", he whispered and kissed her on her forehead.

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