Chapter 10

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I was really happy when I woke up today. My weekend was so fun, but when I drove back home, I knew that I missed Andy already. I just want to take him to my Alec's house and never let him leave. But that's kidnapping. And I would never do that....

I knew that I needed to talk to him today, so we can meet up again soon. As fast as we have the time. I don't know if he does sports or anything, but I don't think so.

The ride to school was taking too long. I had my music in the radio, so I turned it up and danced and sang all the way to school. You know, to hype myself up.

When we finally came to the parking lot, I went as fast as I could away from the car and to the school. I rushed by a few girls that wanted to talk to me, but I didn't care. They aren't important, and they never say anything important to me anyway. Why would I like to know that their parents aren't home?

But when I came to my locker, I noticed that Andy wasn't there yet. The class starts soon, so he should be here. I looked around in case he was in the hall, but no sign to him. I suddenly got nervous, but shrugged it off me, and went to my classroom.


It was lunch now, and I still hadn't seen him. I thoughted about the day before, but I hadn't noticed that he was getting sick. I tried to call him a few times, but it went right to voicemail. Weird.

"Hey guys, have you seen Andy?" I asked the boys went I came to the table. They all looked up to me, Alec and Sam shook their head a little skeptical, but Nick nodded his head.

"Yeah, last night. But he was with you. But you probably knew that. Why do you ask?" he answered. Seriously, that guy is so dumb sometimes. He needs someone to take care of him, because he is going to kill himself soon. Or I will. I went to his side and slapped his head.

"Not yesterday your dumbass, I'm talking about today. I haven't seen him at school, and he doesn't answer his phone. What if somethings have happened to him. Maybe I should use your car Alec to drive to his house? I need to make sure that he is okay." I slowly started to freak out. It looked like Alec noticed.

"Okay, calm down big guy. You just started talking to him, don't turn into a crazy stalker yet. Give him some time and if you still think it's something wrong about him, we can drive to him together. But I don't want you to drive my car when you are freaking out." He just mumbled, not verry worried. He just went back to Sam to give him more food, and Sam happily took it.

I figured that I should listen to him. He is a daddy himself. And if he is calm under these circumstances, then I should be it. Maybe he just overslept? Or maybe he is having a really busy day at school? There exist so many reasons for him to not call me back. Oh, I'm simping really bad.


That day I had P.E. I don't have anything against it. it is actually really fun when you like sport. I also had these classes with Alec, Sam and Nick. Nick is also really sporty and loves this class. Alec couldn't care less about anything. It's terrible for Sam. Or it was worse last year, when he didn't have any friends. I still feel so bad for what I did. I don't deserve being friends with him.

The class went really fast, and I was happy when I was done. Then I don't have to watch Sam and Alec flirt with each other. I love them, but it sucks to be at the same team as then in volleyball.

I took a quick shower before getting dressed. I was the last one out, because a lot of them are too lazy to take a shower when it's the last class. I don't see the problem about smelling good, but okay. You do you.

I got outside the locker room and when to my locker to get some books I had to bring me home, because I got a ton of homework. When I had been walking for about a minute, I heard a bang and a small whimper. And I could recognize that whimper everywhere.

"Ey, little nerd, where is our homework you so nicely asked us if you could do for us?" I guy I didn't knew asked him. What an idiot.

"I-I di-dint a-ask. Y-you for-forced m-me." he sounded terrified. And the stuttering was so bad. Why do people do bad things with good people like him?

"I don't care your stupid bitch. Give us our homework." He yelled and punched the locker next to him. I heard another whimper and that was definitely my queue to step in. I was not going to let anything happen to my little baby.

"Ey, you fuckers! Run away before I kill you. And if I can't alone, I know that I have two other friends who will come any minute now. And they would kill you!" I screamed at them. They looked pretty uncomfortable. They let Sam go, mumbled a whatever before walking away.

I gave Andy a small smile before walking slowly towards him. I checked if he was okay before getting his stuff, putting the homework back into his backpack.

Suddenly it looked like something clicked for Andy. He quickly grabbed his backpack from me and got a few steps away from me.

"Don't come closer please. Thank you for y-your help, but you can leave now." He spoke. He still looked a little afraid. What happened after I drove him home?

"What are you talking about? I want to help you. And maybe we can do something later?" I tried to force a small smile. He didn't look happier.

"NO! I mean no. Lucas, this weekend was nice and everything. But it's over now. You don't have to pretend anymore." He said before running away.

I looked at him running, but I didn't move.

What just happened?!

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