Chapter 9

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Hi everyone. I just wanted to say that I'm going to be very busy this week, so I don't know if I can post a new chapter next week. And that sucks, since I have just gotten a schedule for this. I hope you guys can forgive me.

I woke up later than usual. I think I have never slept that great. And the best part, I got to sleep next to the most perfect boy ever. Andy was sleeping very sweet. He fell asleep when we watched a movie on my bed, and I didn't want to move him too much. So, he slept next to me. Or I gave him. He was making small, cute noises and he had his thumb in his mouth. Remind me to get him a paci.

The evening yesterday went great. We ate dinner, before trying out new stuff. I gave him a teddy and he even tried a sippy cup. He was so cute, and I think he liked it.

He finally started to wake up after a while with me watching him. Oh god, I sound like a creep. I can't believe that one year ago I was a bully that didn't like anyone. Sam has really changed me.

"Good morning sweetie. How was the night?" I asked him after giving him some time to wake up.

"It was nice actually. I re-really liked it." he whispered back. He looked around a little and blushed when he understood that we slept in the same bed. And that I changed him into a cute pj.

"That's lovely. We can try more today if you want."

"Maybe some. But I ha-have to leave not too l-late. My mum w-wants me home early."

I told him that it was just fine and that we should get some breakfast. I already knew that Alec had made breakfast, he always get up so early. I loved his breakfast.

I gave him his clothes, that I had cleaned after he went to bed. He looked a little embarrassed before I got the hint and turned around so he could get some privacy. He quickly changed before walking next to me. He blushed again when he saw that I wasn't going to put on more clothes, just my pj pants. Not a shirt.

He followed me to the kitchen, where Alec and Sam already were. Sam was a little embarrassed when he noticed that Andy saw him sitting in a highchair. I looked over to Sam, silently asking if he wanted me to take Andy outside, since I didn't wanted Sam to get uncomfortable, but he silently said it was okay. I love how we had connected a bond like that.

I placed Andy next to my chair and went to get some breakfast to him. I got him a little more than he usually eats, but not too much. He was really thin, and he needed more food than he eats now. But I wouldn't push him too far. I placed the plate to him, and he started eating immediately. After that I got him some juice, and put it in a sippy cup, placing it next to the plate.

He seemed a little nervous about it again but took a little sip. He looked happy about what I chose for him tho. I smiled before sitting next to him, starting to eat.


"What about these clothes tho?" I asked him, showing him a baby blue t-shirt and a black overall. He looked at me like I was crazy for showing him such a childish outfit, but he smiled. He bent over so he could get it. I gave it to him, and he changed right in front of me without saying anything.

"You look so cute baby. Adorable." I whispered to him. I didn't mean to call him baby, but I couldn't stop myself. Andy looked a little shocked to.

"B-baby??" he asked me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you that, but,"

"I l-like it. It makes me feel special." he interrupted me and smile shyly.

"Then I can call you that more often. Come on, I should get you home before your mum gets worried. It's school tomorrow and you have to get some rest." I answered before taking his hand and followed him to my car. I opened his seat, putting his seatbelt on and went to my side of the car.

The trip to his house didn't take much time. I just sat some music on and started singing with it. He smiled when he heard my voice.

When we came to his house, I turned down the music and turned my head to him. It looked like he didn't want to leave.

"So what do you think about this weekend? You know you can be totally honest to me." I asked him after a while.

"I liked it. Or, it was new to me, and that was a little weird. But nice, weird. And Sam is super nice. And Alec is so cool. And not as scary as I though. And Nick was so funny." He started blabbering. I smiled once again.

"That's good. I love when you're having fun. And maybe we can do this again? So we could try more stuff if you want that. It just made me so happy to see you getting along so good to my friends." I spoke.

"Yeah, maybe some other time. This was fun. Have a good night Luca." He whispered. Omg, he called me Luca. He gave me a nick name.

"Good night little one." I whispered back.

He looked at me a little more before smiling. I though that this was my chance. I didn't want to be in the friendzone forever. I gently grabbed his face and kissed him. It was a short, small kiss, but it felt amazing. I have had many kisses in my life, but this was definitely my favorite one.

I let him go and he was all red. But he was smiling. That was a good sign. He mumbled a little good night again, before rushing out of the car stumbling a little to the door. I laughed a little before driving back home.

This has been the best day in a long time.

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