He Is Too Good to Be True

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Sunday Morning

I hadn't spoken with my friends all weekend. It was as if we were suddenly too occupied with our own things.

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, though I didn't get to pick it up on time. The time on my clock read 6 a.m.

I glanced at the phone once it began to ring again and saw Troy's name on the caller ID. I picked it up quickly to answer him. Something had to have happened with his parents for him to call me at this time.

"Hi T. What's going on?" I asked calmly.

"Hi, baby girl. I'm sorry I haven't seen you all week, I have been home with my grandma, and then my parents came by unexpectedly. I really needed someone to talk to right now. I didn't know who else to call."

"Where are you right now?" I asked concerned? His voice sounded hoarse, I could tell he had been crying a bit.

"I'm outside your house. In my car. I-" He sighs deeply trying to hold back unshed tears. It broke my heart to hear him like this. I hate when his parents make him feel like this. They always manage to break his spirit and belittle him.

"Ok, I'll be right out."

"No. It's ok. Just stay with me on the line, please? I can't bear for anyone to see me in the state I'm in. But I really need someone to talk to. Please Soph, just stay on the line with me."

"Ok. What happened T? Talk to me?" I sat against the headboard of my bed.

"Dylan is mad at me Soph. I- I screwed up. I think he might break up with me after this." His voice cracked. I just knew something must have gone wrong at their dinner. He had looked forward to spending Thanksgiving with his grandma and Dylan's family.

I grabbed my shoes and sweater and walked outside to meet with him. I could see him with his head down in his car. I knocked on his window getting his attention as I listened to him attentively. He slowly got off the car, hung up the phone, and walked towards me. He quickly engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug.

"T, are you ok?" I spoke in a soft voice. He hung his head and leaned against his car.

"Soph, my parents were questioning him so much, everything happened so fast. They wanted to know who he was, where we met, how long we had been friends, I panicked Soph. I told them he was just a friend. I lied to them telling them that I had started seeing a girl at school and that they had nothing to worry about. I told dad he was right, he had nothing to worry about what we talked about last time they were here. Fuck, Soph. If you would have seen Dylan's face. He was so hurt. I messed up, big time."

"Sorry, hon. But yeah, you did. How could you say that T? Dylan has done nothing but support you." He looked at me with a remorseful expression.

"I know. I just didn't know what to say to my parents. They had already warned me from the last time they were here about me being gay. If they found Dylan was my boyfriend, they were sure to kick him out and tell him all kinds of shit. I acted without thinking. He was so angry. He ate dinner without speaking a word and took off right after. He didn't even wait for his dad and his date to leave with him. I tried to apologize and talk to him when he was leaving but he just got on his bike and left without even a glance. I tried texting him and calling him multiple times, but he just keeps ignoring my calls."

"I'm so sorry, T." I hugged him tightly. I know Troy is not ready to tell anyone about his relationship with Dylan, but I fear that the more he hides it, the more complicated things will get. I just hope Dylan can comprehend where Troy is coming from. His parents have never been as supportive as Dylan's Dad has been.

"I only got one text back from him a while ago. He said to stop bothering him and that I needed to deal with my shit first. Whatever that means." He hangs his head and fiddles with his fingers.

"T, he's right. Don't you think it's a bit unfair for Dylan to have you keep your relationship a secret from everyone?"

"What?" He glanced at me with a confused expression on his face.

"What do you mean unfair? Dylan knows I'm not ready to have everyone know I'm gay. Especially, my parents, we agreed on this."

"That's exactly my point T. You took this decision without really giving him much of a choice. He's hidden your relationship between the two of you because he cares about you. But sooner or later he's going to get tired of hiding it. Meeting your boyfriend's parents is a big thing for a girl, or. . . . . guy. Dylan has kept no secrets from you, T. You've met his dad, his dad's girlfriend and soon to be step-sister. He's opened up to you and allowed you to feel comfortable around him. Don't you think it's time for you to do the same?"

"I'm not ready for the schools to know about me, Soph. You know that."

"T, seriously. Is it more important for you what people think of you? Or is making your relationship with Dylan work more important? I know you care about him T. Don't risk losing him for the fear of what people might think. Screw everyone else. Dylan loves you, and I know you love him too. And I'm sorry, but whether you date a guy or a girl, is not going to better your relationship with your parents. You need to start being real to yourself. Take responsibility for your shit. Stop pretending to be something you are not. You are already an amazing person for who you are, and Dylan sees that. Don't pretend in front of your parents just to keep them happy. Your happiness is just as important as theirs, and Dylan deserves to have the right title in front of your parents."

He glanced over me with tearful eyes. He sighs and looks away. I knew maybe I was being too harsh, maybe I wasn't being supportive as he wanted me to be. But I hated that he was creating obstacles for his happiness.

"I don't know if I can do that Soph. Besides, I don't know how I'll ever be able to fix things between Dylan and me. He won't talk to me."

"The hell you do? You need to go out there and get your man back. Apologies to him, and then. . . . " I tapped him on his shoulder making him startled.

"Confront your parents and tell them who your man is. You're not alone T. You got your grandma, friends, to support you, and a great man backing you up."

His eyes were teary. I knew he was having a hard time deciding on what to do. But I knew eventually he'd come to his senses.

We stayed talking for a while longer. I tried reasoning with him, but he was such a hard head. I honestly didn't know how things would be fixed between them either. We sat by his car next to each other in silence for a long time until we were both numb from the cold weather.

We both went back to my house and went to the kitchen to sit quietly. I made him a cup of hot chocolate and sat next to him.

I know T adores Dylan, I just hope he realizes that hiding this relationship from everyone was unfair to both of them, especially to Dylan. It breaks my heart to see them fighting, they are such an amazing couple.

After a while, Logan came down. He still looked so sleepy. I engulfed him with a hug and kissed him on his lips. I made him a hot chocolate as well and sat with both of my special men on the kitchen island.

I was so thankful to have him in my life. I don't know what I'd do without him. It sometimes feels like he is just far too good to be true.

Logan sensed something was wrong with T, but he didn't bother him. Instead, he did what Logan did best, make T laugh by joking around with him. How is it possible for him to always be able to make people smile? I guess it's one of the many super-talents he was blessed with.


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