Chapter 45: A Spell

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Rykan's POV:

The rain and thunder was so intense the house shook. Patrick was out with other pack members, covering things up like I ordered them to. I gripped the edge of the counter and looked up in the mirror, not recognizing myself. The darkness around my eyes was so bad I didn't look human anymore, even in my human form. I was so angry.

Xavier should be here helping you, not picking Kora over you. His loyalty is bullshit. He'll be the next to go. He and Luke can fuck right off. They'll be lucky if you don't decide to hunt them down. A rogue title would make it so there were no consequences.

Patrick's attitude is out of control. He keeps questioning your authority and snapping at you. He should be obeying his Alpha, not talking back. He needed to go, too. They all needed to go. Fuck all of them.

The pack needs to stop asking about Kora. This pack needs reminded who their Alpha is.

Kora. Some fucking Luna she is, running away at the first fight you've ever had. A fucking coward. She doesn't belong by your side. Fuck her. You don't need her. She's no good for you. All she's done is cause you and the pack pain by staying away. She doesn't even care she's causing them pain, she's a terrible Luna and she's dangerous. She won't be able to control her emotions, her powers will get out of hand. Someone has to stop her before she hurts someone.

You have to stop her. Get rid of her before she causes problems.

I sent my fist through the wall, shaking my head. What the fuck was that about? I would never hurt Kora. Something was wrong. Something was very fucking wrong. I would never hurt Kora, I would never hurt my pack, what the fuck was happening to me? This wasn't me.

Patrick, I need something from you, I linked. Something's wrong.

What is it? I'll be right there, Patrick linked back.

I groaned, dropping my head in my hands as another sharp pain went through my head. Stupid fucking headaches, why were they so bad? Why was everything so fucked up?

Because your mate abandoned you and your pack is abandoning you, too. She's turned them all against you. All the ones that have abandoned you will come back and attack your pack. Luke will bring his mate's rogue friends with him and they'll slaughter your pack. You'll lose everyone to rogues again.

There was a knock at the door and Patrick's voice came through. "Alpha? What's wrong?" He asked.

I growled and shook my head. Some fucking Gamma he was.

"Nothing's wrong," I snapped. "Just make sure the patrol is tight."

"That's it?" Patrick called back.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I growled. "I don't need there to be more. Fuck off."

He needs to go. He's only making this worse. Lock him in the cell so he can't help them attack.

Patrick knew all the patrols, all the hiding places. I had to stop him before he hurt the pack. I could at least keep him out of it. I pushed off the counter and started to the door. I didn't know who to trust, their loyalty was skewed, all of it going to Kora instead of me. As if I hadn't been the one protecting them for years, they just fucking drop me for her.

I stopped, my hand hovering over the doorknob. What the fuck was my problem? There were no loyalty issues in my pack. They weren't dropping me. Why was I so fucking angry? I pulled my hand back and sat on the bed. Kora's scent was fading to practically nothing. I could barely smell her, it's like she was never even here.

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