On The Floor

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Nyko POV

    I stared at the ceiling with tears in my eyes. I can't cry now. I can't stop thinking about what happened three days ago. What am I going to do? I don't know how to feel. Maybe I'm just supposed to feel empty inside? This doesn't make sense. Why did he do that to me? Tears slipped down my cheeks but I quickly wiped them off. Kiara can't see me crying like this. She'll think I'm weak. I can't cry. What's wrong with me?
    I could hear voices outside of my room. Kiara's voice was so soothing I just wanted her to keep talking. Her voice calms me and makes me slip into little space often. I've noticed the more she talks the more I want to go into little space. My door creaked and more light made its way into my room. I turned around to face the wall opposite of the door.
    "Nyko? Sweetie, it's time to get up." Kiara's voice was quiet. I could hear the tv quietly playing in the living room. "Baby?" Kiara lowered the rail on my bed and sat down next to me. "Nyko, it's time to wake up." her voice was a little louder this time as she rubbed my arm. I slowly turned around to face her but didn't look up at her. Instead I stared at the door.
    "I don't feel like getting up." I grabbed my comforter and pulled it up over my head for it to just be pulled right back down by Kiara. I looking up and glared at her before grabbing it again.
    "Why don't you feel like getting up baby?" I could hear the concern in her voice. I shrugged underneath of the blanket. "Well, Mama made some eggs for you. Do you feel like eating?" I thought for a moment then took the blanket down to uncover my eyes. I peeked up at Kiara and nodded my head. "Good. Do you wan't to come out there with me or would you like to stay in here for a couple more minutes?" I pointed at her and she smiled then got up. "Come on baby."
    She held her hand out to me so I took it and got up from my bed forgetting that I didn't have any pants on and blushed. At least it was dark in the room so she couldn't tell I blushed.
    "It's alright. I'll get you some pants." She pulled a pair of fuzzy pants out of the dresser and handed them to me to put on.
    I grabbed her hand as we headed out to the kitchen and sat at the table. Shane set a plate of eggs in from of me as well as a cup of milk. I stared at the milk trying to decide if I wanted to drink it and risk throwing up or tell them. I decided to just drink it since they already poured the cup.
    I picked through my eggs and tried my best to get over the bland taste. These scrambled eggs were gross. They had no flavor. I reached for the salt and pepper but Kiara grabbed them and made a strange noise then looked at me with one eyebrows raised.
    "What do we say?"
    "Please." I muttered. Kiara handed me the salt and pepper and watched me as I put them on my eggs.
    "How did you sleep last night?" Shane asked before shoveling a eggs in her mouth.
    "Good, I guess."
    "You guess? What does that mean?" Shane questioned me.
    "I just didn't get much sleep that's all." I shrugged.
    "Are you having nightmares?"
    "Babe, don't push it." Kiara shot a dirty look towards Shane.
    "It's fine." My words suddenly seemed to leave my brain as I stared at my plate.

    "I'm just doing a body search."

    I squeezed my eyes shut which was a bad idea because his face came to my mind. It was getting hard to breathe. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. All I could hear was the man's voice.
    "Nyko, what's wrong?" Kiara's voice rang through my ears.
    I can't concentrate. I can't stop thinking about it. Oh, God. I'm going to puke. I opened my eyes and tried to get up from the table but resulted in me grabbing the table and puking on the floor.
    "I-i can't drink milk." The only words that I could get to come out of my mouth. That's not what just happened although the puking was part of the milk. I hate panic attacks. I started crying and fell into Shane's arms.
    "Oh baby, it's okay. It's alright. It happens sometimes. Don't cry." She tarted rubbing my back which helped me feel a bit better. She felt my forehead with the back of her hand and pulled me closer. "Kiara, she's shaking and has a fever."
    All I could think about was wanting to crawl back into bed and wish this never happened. However, I was wrapped in Shane's arms as we sat on the floor, three feet away from a puddle of my puke. Disgusting.
    "Alright baby, let's get you back to bed." Shane lifted me up off the floor and carried me to my room. After she pulled the covers over me she sat down next to me and rubbed my back. "You're okay. Just rest for the day and I'll come check on you later." She leaned down kissed my forehead then got up and left the door open behind her. "If you need anything just holler for me okay?" I nodded my head but wished I would have asked her to stay with me.
    "Shane?" I yelled out part of me hoping she wouldn't hear me but the other part hoping she would.
    "Yes?" She peeked her head back into the door frame.
    "C-can you lay with me?"
    "Of course, love." She smiled and came over to my bed and got under the covers with me. I moved so that most of my body was laying on top of her and my ear was pressed against her chest. I closed my eyes and Shane held me tighter against her.
    Shane started humming and running her fingers through my hair slowly. It felt nice to be held like this.

    "Awe come here bug." My mom opened her arms and I climbed up into them.
    "Mommy, do I have to go to school? My tummy hurts and I don't feel good." I frowned and snuggled my head into her chest to hear her heartbeat.
    "No baby, you have the flu and you can't go to school. I'll stay home with you today how's that sound?" She rubbed my back and pulled me closer to her body.
    "Okay." She started humming and soon I was asleep in her arms.

    I squinted my eyes trying to make out the shapes in my room. A yawn came over me after I sat up on Mama's legs. She was asleep. She looks so peaceful I don't want to wake her. My tummy growled very loudly and I looked from my tummy to Mama. I should wake her up.
    "Pss pss..." I poked her cheek three times but she didn't move. "Pss pss. Mama." Why am I whispering? "Mama?" I yelled not meaning to. I was just trying to to a little louder but i yelled instead.
    "What? Are you okay?" Mama jolted up and stared at me with big eyes.
    "I'm Otay." I shrugged and looked around. "I jus hungwy." I pouted and threw myself against her body.
    "Alright baby, we'll get you something to eat. This time with no milk." She smiled and pulled me off of the bed with her ad carried me to the kitchen.

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