Fanged Agreement

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The dark of the night was fully set in as Dagur walked past another bar exhaustion trying to overtake him. He had heard rumors that there was a fight club somewhere in an underground bar, fighting always got a decent amount of money especially if he used his rage. Now however, was his fourth time walking around the bars trying to find this entrance that didn't seem to exist. Why was he having so much trouble finding ways to get money in Berk. Perhaps it was that Mayor's laws, he heard the others talking about a few of them over lunch. He hadn't chimed in rather eating the remains of Heather's meal.

Heather would most likely be furious if he came home beaten, but then again it probably wouldn't be the first or the last time he did it. Scrubbing at his face, Dagur debated heading back to the apartment, he knew Heather would be home by now and perhaps she'd quiz him on her studies. He never really enjoyed school but he tried his hardest when he was in it, not like his father cared. After being thrown out, his education sort of ended as moving and making sure Heather got her education got in the way. She often complained about having to go to a new school at least three to four times a year, but there was nothing that could have been done about it. They needed to move, if they got caught they would have been separated. Even now, remaining in one place bothered him more than he liked.

A low growl broke him from his thoughts as Sleuther alerted him to something following them. Dagur noticed the headlights of a vehicle as they shined on him, but for some reason they didn't pass. Dagur didn't bother to glance over his shoulder, he could hear that it was a larger vehicle of some sort. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, as he started picking up the pace. The vehicle sped up as well causing Dagur to slip down a small alley where the vehicle couldn't follow and he sprinted to the chain link fence. He clambered over the fence with ease before he dropped down to the other side, and he sprinted out to the road. He was met by a large SUV as it moved towards him, stopping the redhead in his tracks. The high beams stung his eyes as he heard the door open and suddenly there were hands grappling with him. Trying to fight back against so many people was hard and ultimately he was dragged into the vehicle. Four men stared at him as Dagur gave off a growl, not wanting Sleuther to reveal himself yet, especially in a moving vehicle.

"The boss wants to talk to you."

"Boss? I don't know your boss." Dagur snapped as he recognized one of the men. It was the man that answered the door the other day when he dropped off that annoying and terrified package. "Oh..." Dagur whispered.

"You are very hard to get a hold of, Deranged." He got that nickname for a reason. One of them is walking into a mafia house and coming back out with only minor cuts and scrapes. Laughing at people as he tortured them for the highest bidder, yes he most certainly earned his title.

"Why kidnap me?" Dagur asked but he got no response as the group of men fell silent. Dagur shifted uncomfortably, trying to see outside the dark windows but it was nearly impossible. The car sat in silence until they arrived at the mansion where he was roughly pushed out and showed to the door. Being pushed inside he was greeted by the sight of a leather chair and a man in a nice pitch black tailored suit staring at him. The man's black hair was cut short almost like a military cut, but his beard was cut in a French style. A smile crossed the man's lips as Dagur felt his stomach twist with the sight, but he kept his face blank as the man's brown eyes bore into him.

"So you're this Deranged fellow then." The man asked in a voice that seemed too calm to be normal. "You know for some reason I thought you'd be older."

"What do you want?" Dagur snapped as the older man chuckled.

"Right to the point then. I have a job for you and if your reputation precedes you, it won't be that difficult of a task." The man stated.

"If it isn't so difficult, then have some of your men do it. You seem to have enough to spare." Dagur gestured to the darkness around him. Normally people couldn't see them but with Sleuther, the dragon could tell they were there even if his rider couldn't. The man's grin grew wider before a low laugh escaped him.

"Why send my men to die when we have an expert? You'll be paid handsomely if you accept." The man waved his hand. A guard stepped forward with a briefcase in hand, and he opened it revealing hundreds upon hundreds of dollars. Dagur's eyes were drawn to the briefcase that could supply them for months, it could pay Heather's tuition in full. They could actually have a decent home, and not a crummy apartment with horrible landlords. Sleuther chimed in the back of his head a memory coming forward as the dragon pushed it.

It was almost as clear as the day it happened. Dagur sat across from Heather in the little restaurant. The fifteen year old girl was smiling up at her big brother as she munched on a grilled cheese sandwich. It was rare that the two siblings could afford to go out to eat, so it was a sort of celebration. He remembered a television, and the image of the bad guy offering a briefcase full of money. Dagur broke from his memory as he turned his attention to the man in front of him as the briefcase snapped shut and the guard stepped back into line.

"Do we have a deal?"

"Can't agree to a deal without learning what I'm supposed to be doing exactly." Dagur responded as he crossed his arms.

"I want someone dead. I've heard about your work in Bashem, Clattercliff, Northlands, and of course Berserker Island. You are the best to get the job done right." He was just restating himself, just tell him the job already.

"You still have yet to tell me the actual job." Dagur snapped.

"Fine, I want the Mayor dead." Dagur was shocked at that, he thought it would be a gang member or perhaps even one of his own men that could expose him. Going after a political figure was a death sentence, he would be guarded and nearly impossible to get to.

"Are you insane?" Dagur whispered as the man chuckled.

"It's your title." The man stated.

"I can't do t-"

"1.5 million dollars is in the briefcase." The man said as Dagur stopped mid sentence. "If you are successful, and if you kill his dragon as well. I will double the amount." Dagur stared at the man, trying to keep his mouth shut. 3 million dollars, that would literally set them for life.

"I... um..." Dagur tried to find his words as the man smirked.

"His name is Stoick Haddock." Haddock? Dagur stopped realizing that was Hiccup's last name, he would have to kill the man's father. How could he do that? That was Heather's friend, he couldn't break her trust... but the money... He was going to get a headache from all of this. Was it worth the risk? He could get close to Hiccup and perhaps do it that way but...

"I need an answer." The man stated. Dagur bit his lip, as he raked his brain trying to decide. The money would do so much for the siblings, perhaps even get them off of Berk. He could almost imagine it, the small place by the coast they could live at in safety. Heather would never allow it, especially after the death of one of her friend's fathers. Heather was protective of those she cared about, must have taken after him a bit. He would ruin one of the few friendships his sister had. How could he do that to her? He'd do anything for her... It should be an obvious answer but it wasn't... then again.

"I'll do it." Dagur laughed.

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