Prince Friedrich

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When Queen Charlotte and Prince Friedrich walked into the ballroom, all eyes turned to them, music stopped and couples parted to opposite sides of the room. Queen Charlotte guided Prince Friedrich straight to Daphne. Y/N was stood away to the side, they were a wallflower, they really didn't want to be there but their mother dragged them along. They heard the prince say to Daphne "Your dress looks exquisite". Although that was true and Daphne did look stunning, she couldn't help chuckle, every guy on that dancefloor had said that to Daphne.  

Whenever there was a new social event, Y/N always stood to the side, hoping not to be noticed, so they could have peace and quite all night. This night was different, they had been noticed, by the man of the hour prince Friedrich. There was no reason for it, the ton classed Y/N as a spinster and they has no dowry, however they were always kind to everyone, except Cressida, she was a bully and Y/N hated people like her. 

The princes eyes always wondered to where Y/N was. They didn't realise it of course, preferring to stare at the floor, and run their finger around the rim of the glass in their hand. Queen Charlotte eventually noticed and tried to re direct the prince's attention back to Daphne, it worked for a short while but then he was back to looking at Y/N. "They are a nobody, a spinster and they don't have a dowry, surely you can realise why that match is not a good idea" Queen Charlotte whispered to the prince, trying to avoid the gossips of the ton especially Lady Featherington, who was a known gossip to everybody. 

"I don't care, they are the one that I will marry" Prince Friedrich said while making his way over to Y/N. They looked up and was surprised to see him standing in front of them. "May I have this dance" he said while holding his hand out, Y/N placed their hand in his and was guided to the dancefloor, where they remained for most of the evening. 

That's when the prince knew that he would marry Y/N, no matter what. You could see the chemistry between them, it would be a good love match, that is what Lady Whistledown reported in her next column. 

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