52 - To Explore

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"What the heck? NO! ",I felt gloomy when I heard what he had just said.

"I am going to continue my beauty sleep. Don't distract me with your lies Parthu ",I said cocooning myself inside my blanket.

"Kansha, Get up. It's past nine. And I am not lying. You can even see your phone ",he said, trying to remove my blanket which I tried to hold tight. But it was a pathetic fight against him; my comfort world inside the blanket was pulled away from me. Ugh!

"You know what?! If I had heard this news the previous day, I would have been the happiest and most relieved person in the world at that moment. But now--- but now, I am the saddest person in the world right now ",I said in a sullen dejected look.

"I am glad to hear that you feel that way now ",Parth said sitting on the bed near me.

Mr. John had informed us that the three week trip is reduced to two. So, we all had to leave the UAE after attending the exhibition auction. Why do always the good things come to an end just like my small, beauty sleep?

"It was because of you I slept late ",I sulked.

"Come Again. Was it because of me? Who asked to spend our time at the balcony? ",he asked, grinning at me.

"Yass.. if you hadn't gotten me here in the first place, I wouldn't have admired this beautiful place; instead I would have slept like a forever sleeping beauty. But you ruined it . And it was you who threw me on the water and my sleep was long by then ",I complained in my morning raspy voice.

 And it was you who threw me on the water and my sleep was long by then ",I complained in my morning raspy voice

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He then rolled his eyes hearing my so-called explanation.

"Okay then, next time I will bind your eyes with a cloth so that you won't see anything fascinating when you are sleepy. Is that okay? "

"Perfect ",I smiled at him and hugged him tight.

"But I loved the night too ",I said, grinning at him. He kissed me on my cheek sweetly in return.

"Awww! Such a sweet gesture from my sweetie-pie ",I cooed, pulling his cheeks.

"I am not a sweetie-pie. For god sake don't call me that. I am a man. I don't do those sweet, girly things ", he said, his cheeks getting a little red.

"Is the great Parth Saxton blushing? Aww! It's so cute ",I said, making him more flushed with emotions.

"Kansha, You are triggering me. I warn you ",he said, trying to make me back-off from teasing him. But how could I do so? Never!

"What are you going to do Mr. Saxton? I am totally scared ",I said sarcastically.

"Fine. Remember that it was you who asked for this ",he said moving closer. The next moment, he started tickling me.

"Parthu! This-- hahaha--- is--haha---che---hahahaha-- cheating. Stop! hahahahaha ",I tried to say to which I failed miserably.

"Do you accept your defeat? ",Parth asked after what felt like an eternity, him tickling me; and me laughing like a maniac asking him to stop.

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