44 - Surprise!!!

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I perched myself down on the usual seat where my gang used to have their lunch in the canteen. I looked at my watch to see that I came a little early. Since the last class was a free period, I spent my time in the library, slept a little in the middle and then walked straight here, feeling a little tired from reading the books.

It has been one whole week since I have rejected Parth. But he was not one bit disturbed by my rejection. He speaks nicely; helps me during the class hours whenever I have trouble in my work assigned by the teacher. At times, he walks beside me; orders my favorite food and places it on my table. He smiles at me whenever our eyes meet and throws a wink in my direction. He gives a cold shoulder to any girl who tries to come closer except me. He spent the entire evening in the Green World, whose stare would burn me throughout my working time.

I am in utter shock to see him doing all these kinds of stuff. I am extremely surprised. He is a man who has his own pride. He won't do these kinds of things if he is faking it. But why is he damn trying? Can't he see that I am not having the strength to love anyone? I have no more hate in my heart but I don't have the strength to give him a second chance. I am not a saint or God to forgive if they apologized. I have a small, delicate heart to take care of which has been played and destroyed by him. And I am not willing to give him another opportunity to hurt me. The trust I had in him is shaken totally to the core. I have heard a saying, 'Trust is like a mirror; once it's broken it's never the same', I perfectly understand it's meaning deeply now.

The coach called both Harry and Parth to discuss some sports events. That's the only reason why he is not near me. Or else he used to sit opposite of me, in the library. staring at me as if scrutinizing me in detail. Deep down in my heart, I felt warmed with his determined look, trying to pursue me. I got the angry, jealous stares from almost all the girls around me; only because of him; only him. They all think that I did some black magic on him. But I ignored their disgusting glances.

I told Kryz about the education trip. She asked me not to miss this amazing offer which was a gift of my hard work and dedication. So, as a result, I decided to go for the trip. I was in deep thought; as a result, I failed to notice the shadow falling over me. Suddenly, a pair of hands encircled my waist making me shriek in fear. But the hand gripped me tight, pulled me up and twirled me in the air laughing in excitement while I was shouting to let me down. After twirling me in the air for two full rounds, he placed me down.

I turned towards his direction to shout at him for invading my privacy. I was wrong! How can he change? He somehow managed to keep a little distance from me this whole week. But then, he is showing his true colors again by being a jerk. He can't just hold me and circle me in the air as if there is nothing wrong between us. But when I turned to see the person, I was appalled.

I was shocked.

I was dumbstruck.

Am I dreaming? How come he?

"Surprise!!! ",the person in front of me said with a big smile plastered on his handsome face. His eyes sparkled with happiness and joy seeing me. Am I hallucinating him? What the hell is happening here? I blinked my eyes expecting him to disappear the next second. But nothing sort of that thing happened. He was still in the flesh with usual charming smile.

"Sam??!! ",I whispered, confused.

"Finally! I thought you forgot me. Thank the lord for not making you forget me! "

This is definitely Sam! No one else can speak this way other than him.

"Sam ",I cried, his name. "Oh my God!! It's really you ",I whispered seeing him in real life. My eyes filled with tears staring at him.

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