Chapter 26

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As Olivia stood on the small empty beach she desperately hoped that Delia had heard, and more importantly understood her message. So now here she was, staring out into the ocean, silently freaking out and hoping that Delia had gotten out of there before Jackson and his buddies had seen her. 

At the same time, Delia was quickly making her way over to that very beach. Every now and then she came up to the surface, checking whether she was still following the road. As she stopped seeing the road she knew she was getting closer to the aquarium, and therefore her destination. 

It was then that she noticed something moving in her peripheral vision, right to her left. Immediately stopping she turned her attention to the movement, trying to find the source. When she looked however, she saw nothing but a couple harmless fish and a few plants. Shaking off the eerie feeling she had she continued her journey...

Yet when she started swimming once more, she noticed the same thing, again from the left. At this point Delia was feeling quite uneasy, and stopped swimming once more, now suspended in the water. Turning in all directions she tried to make sure that it was truly nothing. However, despite the fact that she saw nothing, she still wasn't reassured. 

This time however, she decided that the quicker she was out of the water, the quicker the eerie feeling would be gone. So she started swimming again, this time as fast as she could. Soon she was knew she had to be approaching the rocks near the aquarium. Quickly she poked her head out of the water, and a smile appeared on her face as she saw Olivia standing on the beach. 

Diving down low once more to swim the last stretch, she noticed something moving yet again. As she wiped around, she noticed something familiar, a flash of green. However, it was gone as quick as it had arrived. Quickly she swam to the shore, and as she reached the rocks she tried to pull herself up on them. "Olivia." She breathed out as she did so. 

"Delia!" Olivia exclaimed as she quickly moved over to her, "Thank god you understood me! I am so sorry..." 

"It's not like you could do anything about it," Delia said smiling, "Did you bring my towel?"

"Yes!" Olivia said holding up the towel and throwing it to Delia. 

As the towel landed next to Delia she pulled the last bit of her tail out of the water. Now her full body was placed upon the rocks, all of it out of the water. Using the towel she started trying to dry off every last bit of her body, "God I hope this works..." She muttered, "Else you're gonna have to carry me out of here." 

Olivia chuckled, "I'm sure you'll be fine. I mean it worked before." 

The second Olivia had said that Delia's dress and legs appeared once more, nearly throwing her off balance. "Shit!" Delia exclaimed as she dropped the towel into the water, steadying herself on the rocks. 

"I got it." Olivia said as she fished the towel out of the water. "And here's your shoes." She added, handing them to Delia. 

"Thanks," Delia said, "Well I'm glad that worked."  

Once Delia had her shoes on once more she paused for a moment staring out into the ocean. "That was one hell of an experience." She said running a hand through her wet hair. 

"I can imagine." Olivia said, sitting down on the rocks next to  her. 

"I saw that green thing again." Delia said, "I've seen that thing so many times now, I'm sure that I'm not imagining it, but I have no clue what it is..." 

For some time the two of them continued sitting there, staring out onto the ocean, and talking. It was only as the sun started to set, that they decided it was time to go home, and probably time for dinner. Olivia drove Delia over to her car, after which they decided to get pizza for dinner.At first Olivia was supposed to go out on a date with Jackson, but after a short text conversation, the two had decided they felt like staying in. 

The rest of the night consisted of them watching a movie together, before Delia decided she had been third wheeling for too long and that  it was time for bed. 

As she lay in bed however, her mind kept drifting to the green thing she kept seeing... What on earth could it be? It appeared to be to big to be a fish, but too fast to be that big...  The last thing however the she thought off before drifting off to sleep was Gabriel...

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