Chapter 25

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As Delia was having fun and swimming around, Olivia sat on her towel, basking in the sunlight. With her eyes closed she relaxed, a content smile apparent  on her face. That was however, until she could swear that she heard people approach. 

Her eyes sprung open as she immediately jumped upright, turning to try and sport where the sounds came from. At first she was unsure there was anything at all, but as she waited a moment she could hear the distinct sound of voices approaching. 

" Shit, shit, shit." She muttered under her breath as she quickly stood up. Turning back to the sea she checked if she could see Delia, thankfully she was underwater right now. "Whatever you do, please stay down..." Olivia whispered, somehow hoping that Delia would magically hear her. 

Turning back around to the source of the voices she rather quickly realised that one of them belonged to Jackson, her boyfriend. Before Olivia didn't think that anyone would come to this beach, as it was quite secluded. But she didn't factor in that it was her boyfriend who had told her about it in the first place. 

Cursing under her breath once more she quickly tried to come up with a lie to get him and his friends out of there before they saw Delia. Or at least get them away for long enough to get her out of the water. Once more she looked out over the sea trying to spot her friend. 

It was then that Olivia heard a rather familiar voice from behind her, "Liv? What are you doing here?" 

Turning around so quickly that she almost gave herself a whiplash Oliva smiled at her boyfriend and two of his friends, "I..." She started trying to think of something quick, "I... What are you doing here?" 

As those words left her mouth Olivia could kick herself, 'Great, answer a question with a question, well done...' Instead however, she tried to keep the innocent smile on her face. 

"I asked you first." Jackson answered looking somewhat taken aback by her answer. 

Olivia chuckled, flashing a somewhat awkward smile, "I... came here to sunbathe. " 

"By yourself?" Jackson said somewhat surprised, "And here?"

"Yeah..." Olivia said, praying that Delia stayed underwater, "I wanted to clear my head." 

Jackson's eyebrows furrowed, "Okay... Is everything alright?"

"Yeah," Olivia answered nodding, "I'm fine, nothing's wrong. Now what are you guys doing here?" 

At that Jackson chuckled, "What do you think we're gonna do?" He said motioning to the surfboards they were holding, something Olivia hadn't noticed in her startled state. 

"Ah, good point..." Oliva said rubbing her hands together nervously, "Well I'm gonna get going." She said as she grabbed her towel, bag and Delia's shoes. 

"Don't you wanna stay babe?" Jackson asked seemingly confused by the entire situation. 

"Uhm... no." Olivia said, "I...." She said trailing off and turning back towards the sea for a moment. It was then that she thought she saw a head sticking out of the water ever so slightly. Hoping that Delia would hear her she continued, rather loudly might I add, "I'm actually going to pick up Delia from the aquarium." 

"Alright..." A now thoroughly confused Jackson said, "I guess, I'll see you tonight then."

"Yeah," Olivia said as she gave him a kiss, "See you tonight, have fun guys!" 

At that Olivia started to walk away from the sea as Jackson and his friends walked towards it. 'Let's hope she heard me...' She thought as she turned back to look at the sea. 

Nearly running back to her car Olivia threw her stuff in the back and quickly started it. As she drove away she noticed Delia's car still standing there, 'We'll have to come back for that later...; She thought to herself as she started driving towards the aquarium. 

Now the aquarium wasn't too far away, exactly the reason why she had chosen that location to meet. Furthermore there was a really small beach near the rocks of the aquarium that one would have to climb down to. The perfect place for Delia to get out of the water unseen. 

As she reached the parking lot she quickly parked her car and grabbed a towel and Delia's shoes before jumping out of it. Quickly she made her way over to the outer edge of the parking lot and to the fence surrounding it. Without really thinking she climbed over the fencing and started climbing down to the small beach. 

During this time Delia had been playing around underwater and exploring her new abilities. Unbeknownst to her the moment she decided to pop her head out of the water, she saw Olivia standing on the beach with three guys. Startled she went down again, trying to figure out what to do. Deciding to poke her head out just a little bit she noticed that one of the guys was Jackson. 

Delia was just a little too far out of reach to make out what they were saying. At least that was until she heard Olivia say, "I'm actually going to pick up Delia from the aquarium."

'The aquarium?' Delia thought as she went back down underwater, how would that work? Going back up for a sec she noticed Olivia leaving and the guys going towards the water. Once back down underwater she realised that she should probably get out of sight. 

It was then that it suddenly came to her, 'By the rocks!' 

Immediately she started swimming in the direction of the aquarium, now knowing what her roommate had tried to tell her. It was however, then that she realised that while she knew how to get there by car, swimming would be a different story. After she was sure the guys would  no longer be able to see her she went back to the surface and looked at her surroundings. The sea was unfamiliar to her, but once she turned to the land she saw the coastal road that she would had driven to get to the secluded beach. 'I just need to follow that road.' She thought as she dived down again and started swimming faster. 

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