Epilogue: Never fade away

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one day before 

Izuku: "so..not only did i took her body...i have her quirks as well...including the damn One For All" talking to Tomura 
Shigaraki: "can understand..good thing Jirou was with you..otherwise i would've tried to kill you" 
Izuku: "wouldn't blame you" 
and he thought about Toga. Stain...Ochako and Nejire 
Izuku: "and of course Ochako snapped out of it the moment she received heavy damage...and Nejire just killed herself...hmm" 
Eri was still trying to adjust to her papa being a mama?
Eri: "um...papa...what's going on?" 
Izuku: "it's nothing to worry about Eri...just trying to make some task for myself" 
and she nods before leaving 
Izuku: "of course...we're heading out to Night City" Dabi was confused 
Dabi: "so your getting out of trouble...to go into another hellhole" 
Izuku: "can't just sit around now...i need to still work on my goal..to make a difference..since we settled our problem here..might as well do more work somewhere else" 
Shigaraki: "*sigh*...if that's what you want...then i'm not holding it against you....you done far more than just an act of kindness for the league...you took down a fucking society for gods sake...you earned this three times over..no thousands" 
Izuku laughs: "of course you would say that...but believe me...my father used to work there at NIghtcity...it's only right for me to see what it's like over there" 
Jirou wrapped her arms around Izuku
Jirou: "and of course we get to go to the awesome rock places there..i'll show you what real fun looks like" 
Dabi: "yeah whatever...do your own thing...but just don't forget us" 
Izuku: "will do" 

back to the present 
Izuku stands in front of an apartment building...of course with both Jirou and Eri....waiting for the car to be dropped off they sit around at this place called Coyotes Cojo" sitting down at a table 
Izuku: "of course...Valentinos" 
Jirou: "Valen what?" 
Izuku: "a faction here in Nightcity...a gang honestly..and believe me they hate the corporation here" soon they hear whispers in the background they recognize him..well they recognize Izumi
"isn't that the chick who took out Johnny Silverhand?" 
"i heard she is now following in his beliefs" 
"heard a rumor that she's was part of his plan" 
"is she anything like Johnny?" 
Izuku couldn't help but snicker at the thought 
soon they see the Bartender 
Jirou: "hey...got any Tequilla?" 
"ah might have something in mind...new in town?" 
Izuku: "here for two hours" 
"hehe...eh you'll get use to it..but here's some advise...just because you killed Johnny Silverhand doesn't mean you can waltz in and own the place...you need to show us your the serious type" 
Izuku: "normally i hate it if that's all i'm known for " 
"honesty....i like it...names Pepe" 
Jirou: "Pepe?" 
Pepe: "si Senora" 
Izuku: "well Pepe...i have a question here...have you heard of the hero Firedrake around here?"
Pepe: "mm...long time ago Senora...i was only in highschool when he used to roam around here...he grew up here in Heywood...but his Family moved here from Japan at one point...Mama Welles could tell you more..but she is not here" 
Izuku: "i see...maybe next time then" 
after getting some drinks they head out from the bar to see their car approaching 
Izuku: "Del" 
DEL: "hello Mr Silverhand i am sorry for my delay coming here" 
Izuku: "it's fine Del..and don't call me Silverhand...just call me Izumi" 
DEL: "very well..ms Izumi...shall we depart?" 
Jirou: "pretty tired from the trip...what about you Eri?" and she was nodding while rubbing her eyes 
Izuku: "take us to this address DEL" 
DEL: "certainly enter the vehicle and we'll be off" 
soon they take in the sights...even though most of the city is kind of shady or rundown...they really see the beauty of it...citylife...of course they have to worry more about the other factions here...but knowing about his fathers old apartment they are going to stay there 
standing in front of a building DEL drives into the garage 
DEL: "I shall await here until your return Ms Izumi" 
Izuku: "thanks DEL" and they start walking up seeing some NCPD taking down some criminals....and soon 
"hey" they turn around to see some gang member surrounding them 
"who the fuck are you?!" one asked 
Izuku: "heh why you gonna ask me on a date?" flirting which of course angers him
"you better watch your mouth before i pull you tongue out of YOUR FUCKING CUNT!!"
Izuku: "really?...in front of kid dude?" 
soon the thug took out a gun
"you have ten seconds to give us whatever cash you got....the girl too" 
Eri hides behind Jirou Izuku only laughs
Izuku: "I don't think you understand the situation here" taking off the shades soon Izukus eyes glowed 
Izuku: "you know it's unwise to attack someone you don't know...especially if they have something you don't quite understand...i could kill you in an instant..i know it..you know it" 
"hey boss..isn't that the chick who killed Johnny Silverhand?!" 
"doesn't she have like two quirks and both of them are powerful?!" 
"shit let's bail!" and they run off 
Jirou: "really...is the crime so bad you can do it out in public?!" 
Izuku: "sadly yes...but hey..that's why we're here..to make it a better place for all to live in" 
soon they enter the elevator...heading up to the top floor they look around to see a gun shop 
"hey i smell new customers...remember if you live here in nightcity you can't go around without a good friend i call a firearm!" 
Izuku: "maybe later" soon they walk along to find some peopl laying around or just looking shady in general but they didn't care soon they walk up some stairs and soon they see it...his fathers old apartment...
Izuku: "moment of truth" soon he takes out the keys and then inserts it
the door opens soon they enter..and it was left as it was when he was in here..of course it was nice looking and average looking as well..even the bed was in the same room as the living room
soon they put their stuff down 
Jirou:" ugh!" groaning and flops on the bed ready to pass out Eri as well who just lays be Jirou 
Izuku chuckles: "wow tired already?!" teasing her 
Jirou: "shut up" 
Eri: "tired!" muffling through the pillow
Izuku: "well you guys get some rest then...you need it
Jirou: "g night" 
Eri: "night night Papa" and they both drift into sleep 
Izuku smiles seeing the sleeping peacefully..after all they've been through...it was needed 

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