Broken bonds: Severed hope

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Izuku hears Shigaraki and Overhaul still fighting the others...away from them he stands in front of Izumi, Kirishima and Mirio...but what he didn't expect..was his mother to be there with them
Inko starts to walk slowly towards him while the others keep their guard up Izumi being worried the most...his behavior is unpredictable so she needs to be ready if he tries anything 
Inko: "Izuku...i beg you...please stop this....stop this madness....and come home" 
Izuku was silent staring at his mother coming to him...normally he would bring out his mantis blades, gorilla fist, or Monowires...hell he would fire a explosive round at her...but something in him was telling him no...and to listen to what she has to say 
Izuku: "why should i go back to that filth you call a home" he said to her 
Inko sees all the cyberware that has been done on him...she would faint if she could...but right now she needs to see him 
Inko: "because...your my son...your her brother...we miss you Izuku...we're sorry for what we did to you...what we failed to do for you" 
Izuku looks away: "12 years....I have endured the pain that was inflicted on me...12 years that i have waited for one of you to tell me you love me, to feel safe and welcomed...but when i needed you the most, You weren't there" soon he walks up to her about a few feet away from her 
Izuku: "why weren't you there?!" letting out his anger and sadness she sees how much they've hurt much they ignored and neglected and rejected much he hates them and now she sees the results of what happens the news...Rei....was more of a mother to him than anything else in the world...she cried...but she realized that she hugs him....he felt metal...his blood...his bonds...severed from the family....
Izuku: "and to this day...i will never i truly feels to be loved....tell me" she looks up at him "
Izuku: "why would this be any different from what i suffered?" he's right....he's right....she failed him...she failed HIsashi...she failed everything...she backed away 
Inko: " wouldn't" she said now...which surprised him 
Izuku: "i should kill you" 
Inko: "but....please....please find another way....another way to avoid bloodshed" and that's when he was shocked 
Izuku: "avoid bloodshed" and she nods 
Izumi: "what?" hearing this coming out of her mother.
Kirishima: "oh shit" 
Mirio: "no" 
Inko: "i'm sorry Izuku...nothing will ever fix the past...nothing will ever bring you back was all just some fantasy...some wish that never would've come true *sob* i never had a chance! if i could take everything back i would...a thousand times son...i love you" kneeling down now...bawling...all the pent up feelings she had over the year. 
Izuku stood silence...soon he brings out his mantis blade
Izuku: "how touching....words filled with such BULLSHIT!!" 
Kirishima: "shit!" 
Mirio: "NO!!" soon Izuku was about to swing downward on her but he was pushed away by Izumi
Izumi: "I won't let you hurt her!!" and Izuku stood back up 
Izuku: "you lost that chance since her quirk manifested mom....Take back everything ARE YOU SERIOUS?! new family needs me...i need them...we protect each other...we make each other feel welcomed....we understands...i once cared too much...cared too much thinking all of this was just a nightmare...but i now accept it...embrace it...and heart burned away into ashes and this is all caused by all of YOU!!!" soon the building shakes soon Overhaul and Shigaraki comes out 
Mirio: "Kirishima!" he said to him 
Kirishima: "got it!" and they went to go fight the two villains
Izumi stares down at Izuku: "you know....your dead to us now" 
Izuku smiles: "still trying with the insults...sad" 
Izumi: "you kill mom...our own mother!!" 
Izuku: "you see this look?  it's un-Fucking-surprise on my face...Izuku Midoriya is no more only Johnny Silverhand remains the world is going to see it all soon you may be able to stop us...but i won't not until all of you are dead" and he smirks soon he charges in 
Izumi: "IZUKU!!!!" activating OFA to attack. 
Izuku then ducks and punches her gut and swings her downward...crashing into the ground
Izumi launched back up to hit him in the face shattering his shades 
Izuku takes off the broken lens: "how annoying" and he throws it away he brings out the Gorilla fist...Izumi knows his weakness is her Telekinesis...but right now she needs to get him away from mom
Izuku brings out the Monowire and wraps it around her leg and he throws her out of the way he brings out the Projectile launch system and fires an explosion round  but it was stopped and thrown back at him 
Izumi runs and then kicks him away again 
Izuku: "it is futile Izumi...she is fated to die my hand" and he again tries to kill her but Izumi kept trying...not giving up on her 
Izumi: "MOM GO!!!" she yelled out..why isn't she moving out of the way?!!
Izuku: "Thats ENOUGH!!!" and then his eyes glowed red and he instead goes after Izumi in a quick motion he punches her in the face then uppercuts her causing her to hit the ceiling he then brings out his Monowire and swings it the tip tearing through her stomach seeing the blood coming out and then brings out his Mantis blades....and stabs her in the abdomen 
Izumi: "AGH!!" feeling the pain now...he looks her in the eyes
Izuku: "your done for now sis...i should've done this a long time ago" before he brings out his second blade he was again launched away 
Izuku: "for fucks sake!!" getting up to see...his mother using her quirk...this power she is emitting 
Izuku: "of the fuck could it not make sense...Inko Yagi...the legendary Omega" soon Inko flings him up then to the walls and back to the ground...but they she charges up her quirk and launches him out of the basement 
Izumi stared in awe...seeing the immense power her mother wonder dad is afraid of her. 
Inko then falls over gasping for air 
Izumi: "MOM!" she gets up...ignoring the deep cut in her abdomen 
Inko: "it's okay's okay" 
Izumi: "mom....your body" seeing it losing some fat...she looked Malnourished 
Inko: "don't worry's a part of my takes up a lot of energy....first stamina...then to the body fat...i'm fine...i just need a minute...your wound" 
Izumi: "i'm fine mom...we need to get you out!" 
Kirishima: "IZUMI!!" she looks up to see her friend
Kirishima: "he escaped...we need to go now!" 
Izumi: "wait...can you help my mom!" and he nods and carrys her out 
Mirio: "where are you going?!" 
Izumi: "to get Eri!" and she runs off 

Izuku Midoriya: the cybernetic VillainWhere stories live. Discover now