Chapter: 39 A Friend Like Aang

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After spending two more weeks at home in the south pole, Sokka said his goodbyes to his sister, his dad, and Toph to go back to the Fire Nation. Aang offered to take him on Appa, an offer he gladly accepted.

The cold air gradually gave way to a warmer breeze as they flew north past the southern air temple. Sokka was excited to go back to the Fire Nation. Although it was mostly because he would get to see Zuko again, but also for the warm weather he had gotten so used to.

"Are you ready to live at the palace again?" Aang asked. Sokka went up to join him while he guided Appa.

"In some ways yeah I think I am," Sokka said and thought more deeply about the question. "Part of me is afraid though."

"Why's that?" Aang said and set down the reigns so he could turn to face his friend.

"Last time I was there Zuko and I were just friends. Now..." Sokka trailed off.

"Now you're afraid of how things will change now that you two are together?" Aang asked compassionately.

"Yeah," Sokka admitted to Aang, but also to himself. "And how people will treat us in the palace, and how his people will react."

"You can't let other people get in the way of your happiness Sokka," Aang said. "People in the Fire Nation hated me during the war, and even now there are still a lot of people who don't like me. I don't let it bother me though because I know who I am, and I know their feelings come from a place of fear and anger. We're all here for both of you, and if anybody tries to tear you guys apart, they'll have to get through the Avatar first."

Sokka smiled a little because of Aang's playful threat. "Thanks, Aang. I don't know how my life would have turned out without you being in it."

"You would still be stuck at the south pole flexing your muscles in the mirror to impress girls," Aang said and Sokka's face went red, "but thanks to me you can flex your muscles in front of the Fire Lord instead."

Sokka's face went even more red at the second part of Aang's comment. Part of him wanted to toss Aang off of Appa, but most of him was just glad he had a friend like him.

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