Chapter 15: Sokka's Unsanctioned Visit

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Sokka woke up and found Zuko's head resting against his back. He started to slowly move away so he could get out of bed, but his movement woke Zuko up.

Once Zuko realized what woke him he jumped back and rolled out of the bed flat on his back. He quickly stood up and Sokka couldn't help but notice he was blushing slightly.

"Sorry," Zuko said awkwardly, "I must have rolled over in my sleep. I'm used to having more space and..."

"It's fine," Sokka replied and smiled. "Did you have any more nightmares last night?"

"No, I didn't" Zuko said and the relief in his voice was as clear as day. Sokka was relieved too. He had seen how bad the dreams affected Zuko, and if he could help him in any way, he was glad.

"I'm starving," Sokka said as he got out of bed and stretched, "how about we go get something for breakfast?"

Zuko nodded and went to pick out his clothes for the day. Sokka returned to his room and rummaged through his bag before settling on his typical water tribe outfit he loved so much. It made him feel close to home even though he was far away.

He met Zuko outside of his room and the two walked to the dining hall. The smell of bacon and eggs filled Sokka's nose and he quickened his pace. If anything was his weakness it was food. He had to remind himself how lucky he was to have a fast metabolism.

The joy on his face to see the table already set and the food waiting for them was immeasurable. They had slept in a little later than normal which made Zuko more irritable than usual.

Zuko told Sokka he had a lot to get done and he couldn't make it a habit of sleeping in, to which Sokka reminded him half of his sleep the previous night was plagued by nightmares.

Nonetheless the two enjoyed their breakfast before Zuko had to attend to Fire Lord business. He apologized for leaving Sokka alone but promised he would make it up to him.

Sokka was glad Zuko had a busy day because he also had important business to attend to, business the Fire Lord would not approve of.


The metal bars slid open slowly. Sokka took a deep breath and stepped into the cell. He nodded to the guard who in turn closed the cell bars behind him, locking him in.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the weakest link of my brother's pathetic group of traitors," came the mocking and self-righteous voice Sokka hoped he would never hear again.

"I'm not here to play your games Azula," Sokka said attempting to make his voice as stern and confident as his father's.

"But I don't get many visitors and oh have I missed playing with you and your friends," she whined with her eyes throwing daggers at him. "But if you won't grant me the fun of toying with you then I suppose I should know why you're here."

"I want to know what you're planning," Sokka said not wasting any time. He knew she was behind the attack on the southern water tribe, and he knew she was the one who was organizing the fire nations soldiers who took part in it.

"You're going to have to be a little more specific than that," Azula said and smirked in a way that sent chills down Sokka's arms. "I may be a genius but even I can't know what you mean by that."

"You sent a group of bandits and fire nation soldiers to attack the southern water tribe, and you're plotting something against the Fire Lord. I want to know what it is and who is involved," Sokka said and an angry edge snuck its way into his voice.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Azula said and the all-knowing look fell from her face.

"Yes, you do, now tell me what you're planning," Sokka pressed hoping she would give in.

"If you couldn't tell I've been locked up here for three months with no outside communication. Besides if I wanted to hurt my brother I wouldn't do it by attacking the south, there's nothing there that he cares deeply about," Azula's words hurt Sokka for some reason but he shook off the feeling.

"You have to know something about this. What members of the army have a grudge against Zuko? Which ones would actively be working against him to gain power?" Sokka's voice started to falter and give into his desperation but he didn't care.

"I would think all the generals and admirals would be working against him. The Fire Nation respects power and Zuzu is weak, I would have made a much better Fire Lord," Azula said. The name Zuzu caught Sokka off guard. He didn't know his friend had a nickname let alone one so childish sounding.

"If you want my help stopping whatever plot exists against my brother, I'll need something in return," Azula said nonchalantly.

"And what might that be?" Sokka asked hesitantly. She laughed as if it should be obvious to him.

"I want these shackles to be removed so I can at least walk around my cell," she said and looked at the restraints on her wrists and ankles.

"Over my dead body," Sokka replied. He knew how dangerous she was and he did not trust her to stay locked up without her chains.

"That can be arranged," she said with an unsettling smile spreading across her face that made Sokka take a step back. "I'm only kidding, you of all people should be able to take a joke."

"Enough messing around," Sokka said getting tired of her wasting his time. He needed answers and if she wasn't prepared to give him any there was no reason to waste any more time in the prison.

"I'm not lying to you. I have nothing to do with any plot to spread chaos throughout the world or to overthrow my brother," her smile faded and Sokka could see a side of Azula he had never seen, the lonely girl who had been betrayed and abandoned by the only people she trusted.

"I'll see what I can do about your restraints," he said, and her face lit up like a little girl's, "but I make no promises."

"That's more than Zuzu has done for me," she said, and he felt the pain in her words. "All I know is General Lao has been visiting the prison frequently and talking with many of the guards. He has been asking about Fire Nation soldiers who were imprisoned for committing war crimes against the other nations, but why he would be asking about them I have no idea."

General Lao. The name sounded familiar, but he wasn't sure from where. He knew he had to investigate further, and he had to keep Zuko out of it for now. If General Lao was behind the conspiracy and he thought the Fire Lord was catching on he might flee, or worse, try and attack Zuko while he still had the element of surprise.

Sokka turned around and called for the guard to open the cell. Behind him Azula said one more thing, "I may be upset at my brother for locking me up, but I do still care about him. Can you promise me you won't let anything happen to him?"

Her words made Sokka stop in his tracks. He never in a million years expected Azula to say she cared about her brother, especially after she had tried to kill him on several occasions.

For some reason he felt her words were sincere though, and his only response was a nod before he walked out of the cell, letting the doors shut behind him. He knew just where he was going next.

An Innocent Spark [Zukka]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang