Ryan & Blakley

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"Make sure you pack your suit. You're going to need it." I hear my mother yell from down the hall.

"I got it!" I yell back with a chuckle. She worries too much, if it was up to her I wouldn't even be working at this camp. She believes that working at this camp will be to hard for me. Like I some delicate flower that will be crushed by the children there. I've assured her over and over again that ill be fine and that it will be fun, but she will here none of it. I grab my suit case and duffle bag and carry it out of my room and into the hall. I give my room a once over, ill be seeing it again in just 6 short weeks. I reach out and pull the door closed then pick up my bags an carry them to my car. I put them in the trunk and slam it closed.

"Sweetie here." my mom hands me a envelope. "Don't spend it all in one place, grandma forced me to give it to you." I peaked in the envelop to see it was full with 100 dollar bills. I pulled my mom into an embrace making sure to squeeze extra tight so I could slide a few bills into her pocket.

"Thank you, mom. And thank Grams for me too." We pulled away and I walked to the drivers side door and my mother followed behind me.

"You're welcome. Hold on I need another hug." She pulled me in just as tight as I did before and I felt her slip something, presumably the money into my back pocket giving my hip a pinch before letting go. I blushed a little, she knew me too well. "Don't worry about me honey. Ill be okay." I smiled at her and got into my car starting it up. I waved at her and began heading to Camp.


Three hours later I arrived. I looked up to read a sign reading Welcome to Camp LuLaRone. I smiled looking ahead of me seeing all of the campers and their parents saying their goodbyes and shuffling to the main entrance. I had taken a tour when I came here for my interview, there is 30 cabins on the 1000 acre land. Along with two dining halls, a huge lake and about 10 buildings with various activities in each one. I pulled my car into the parking lot reserved for staff then cut the engine.I sat there for a minute staring into the dense forest. There was nothing but trees for miles and miles. I felt a little intimidated by this because we were literally in the middle of nowhere. I live in the suburbs so this was definitely a change. I heard a loud knock on my passenger side window and jumped grabbing my heart. "Shit."I yelled. I turned to look and see who it was that took me from my thoughts to see a beautiful woman. I quickly scanned her from the safety of my car. Her hair was jet black and it presumably went down to the middle of her back, she was about my height but her eyes. Her eyes were like lightning, they were a light shade of grey. She waved her hand and gave a light smile. I snapped out of my haze and opened my door and exited the car. "Sorry, I was just umm..." I was at a loss for words.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." She walked around the car to face me and held out her hand. "My name is Ryan, I'm the camp nurse." I quickly shook it.

"My names' Blakley, well just Blake." I said with a chuckle.

"Okay, Blakley. Are you new here?"

I loved how she said my full name. It sounded so sexy coming from her mouth. "Yeah, this is my first year here and I'm yours." I nearly facepalmed myself. "I mean I'm with you. Shit, I'm you're assistant."

She laughed and I nearly died right there. "How old are you Blake?"

I walked around to the trunk of my car and popped it open reaching in to grab my duffels swinging them both over my shoulder and slamming the trunk locking my car. "Just turned 21 back in May. You?"

"Just turned 26 in May as well."

"May what?" We began walking to the main entrance. "The 7th."

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