[12] the real deal

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*no ones pov*

It was the next day and Lucifer got a call that Chloe had a break in the case. Lucifer sighed and hang up the phone. "Love?" he said to Lucille. Today he would finally go to the movie and have some time alone with his daughter. "yes, daddy?" she said while staring at Lucifer with her chocolate brown eyes. "Darling, I'm so sorry but I need to work. Chloe needs my help" he explained while picking her up. You could see that Lucille was disapointed but she shook it off. "okay, daddy I understand. Are we going tomorrow to the movie then?" Lucifer let out a chuckle and walkd up to the elevator. "of course, my dear. I'm not going to work on a Sunday" Lucille smiled brightly.

Lucifer stepped out of the car and Lucille quickly followed. Lucifer knocked on the door and Maze opend the door. "Need a babysiter again?" she said with a big smile on her face. "Yes, the Detective did get a lead on a case and I need to go help her. But I will be as fast as possible back" he gave Lucille a quick kiss on her head and left to go to the Detective. Maze closed the door and smirked a little to Lucille.

"Ready little one?" Mazikeen says while giving Lucille a demon knife and opening the door to leave. "Ready" Lucille says while walking out the door.

HELLO DARLINGS!!! I'm so bloody sorry I left for so long. I was having it so busy and I had some problems in my life but I'm back. I know this is a short chapter but pls give me some ideas so I can start with writing again.

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