
Updated always and forever. Been wanting to come back and finish this unfinished story between Ella and Klaus. ❤️ I’m back. 


I am currently just focusing on my Derek hale books and my heartbreakers book. But I will try to update my vampire diaries book as well. Hope you guys are excited just as I am to release new chapters of the vampire diaries. It’s been years but I’ve been distracted by university and my personal life. I will try my best guys! ❤️ 


Just wanted to update that I am almost done with the healing hearts ❤️ Derek hale book and will soon move onto the sequel. I changed most thing in the book, not just editing but also adding things and more scenes between Derek and Layla to add more insight on their relationship. 


Hello guys, I am currently editing my Derek Hale book. Which most of them have been edited but there are some technical issues when I publish the edited version it remains to be the unedited version until you remove it from your library and re-add it in. So if you notice it saying -NotEdited but the title has a check mark beside it’s name, it means it’s a technical error and you need to remove the book from your library and re-add it, hope you all understand <3