
oooooh look who's back (it's akriti) (they aren't actually back) (they just missed attention so came back to read some of their old comments)
          	anyways . i heard wattpad is removing the private message feature which... good riddance honestly bc it was the actual worst private messaging interface i've ever seen! but if u guys want to chat or say anything at all really, you can just dm me on discord (username is @akrxtx)! fun times ! i miss u guys and i miss writing i just don't have the time for much of anything anymore and not having the time to write anymore is one of my greatest losses ! also i hate this app LOL 
          	anyways i miss u guys i hope ur all well and life is treating you all well <3 sending u all my love x


@ toxicvism  I was so HAPPY to see this notification ^^ I hope you're doing well!! Say hi to Milo and Xen for me please I love them<33 


@toxicvism OH HEYYY!! hope ur doing well :))) ive read When Hands Touch about a million times by now  but yeah xoxoxo !!!


oooooh look who's back (it's akriti) (they aren't actually back) (they just missed attention so came back to read some of their old comments)
          anyways . i heard wattpad is removing the private message feature which... good riddance honestly bc it was the actual worst private messaging interface i've ever seen! but if u guys want to chat or say anything at all really, you can just dm me on discord (username is @akrxtx)! fun times ! i miss u guys and i miss writing i just don't have the time for much of anything anymore and not having the time to write anymore is one of my greatest losses ! also i hate this app LOL 
          anyways i miss u guys i hope ur all well and life is treating you all well <3 sending u all my love x


@ toxicvism  I was so HAPPY to see this notification ^^ I hope you're doing well!! Say hi to Milo and Xen for me please I love them<33 


@toxicvism OH HEYYY!! hope ur doing well :))) ive read When Hands Touch about a million times by now  but yeah xoxoxo !!!


i miss writing and publishing on here and reading comments and interacting with everyone and seeing familiar faces and asking u all ur favourite songs and hearing about ur days and building a community and


@toxicvism we miss you too akriti pls take care


@toxicvism i miss u akriti. and your stories and your words and the way you write. i love it. i am in love with it because if being in love with a non human needs to be popularized it has to start with your writing.


@toxicvism // we miss you so much akriti <33


hello everyone !!! it's been a while, but i just have a few things to say that i thought i'd put out here ! 
          1) i just want to say, if you don't like a book of mine, or if you don't like the way something is written, you are absolutely free to leave! if something about any of my books bothers you, you're free to tell me, but if you generally just don't like a book of mine, you don't have to read the entire thing and leave awful comments !
          2) PLEASE don't add 'come what may' to your bxb reading lists. it's so tiring to see it every day. i still see most of my notifications, and seeing that book added to another mlm list is so disheartening. i understand that you're probably doing it for "easier access" or something, but i really don't enjoy logging onto this app every other day and seeing transphobia. when a character is trans and you don't respect that, it really just shows that you don't respect trans people irl, which is.. yeah.
          3) i have said it before, but. i am not going to publishing anything any time soon!!!!!! i am very much chronically ill and also just simply don't have the mental space to publish a book and be okay with not getting anything in return, in terms of readership and engagement. maybe in a while, but not right now. so i would really appreciate it if i wasn't getting dms or comments asking when i'm going to update x or whether there's going to be a sequel for y. it's just quite stressful to see that when i'm only logging on here to read my friends' books and reply to a few comments!
          that being said, so many of you have been leaving kind comments and have been SO nice to me !!!! i love love love interacting with all of u and love seeing all the things u have to say, so just know that i appreciate it all SO much !!! life is busy as always but knowing that people are out there, enjoying the work that i've put out, is so lovely ! thank u all so much for all of it <3
          akriti x


hello all . sooooo . we hit 500k on 'when hands touch' ??? i hope u all know how utterly mindblowing that is to me . despite the fact that im not around on here a lot, the fact that . that book was clicked on 500,000 times for whatever reasons, whether it was for a chapter update or accidentally, that's . such a Mental number ??
          i am genuinely so in awe of . all of it. i still won't be publishing on here for a WHILE (as we recall from my prev announcement) but know that im seeing everything and im appreciating every Single thing. that's such a big number i can't even BEGIN to explain it . so just wanted to pop in and say thank u all <3
          life is inhumanly stressful rn and uni is actively sucking the joy out of me but . at least there's this. thank you ❤️
          akriti x


@toxicvism Congrats! You deserved it, it is an awesome book


@toxicvism this is such an amazing milestone akriti congratulations <3 i hope things ease up for you soon !!


hello everyone! kind of a big announcement so please do read!
          i will be taking a break from writing for the next one year. that means that i won't be publishing anything on this account until december 2023, all my ongoing works will be on hold until then, and all my soon-to-come works will not be published until december 2023 or early 2024.
          when i first started writing on this account, my update schedule was Extremely frequent— i would update my books almost daily, but evidently that's changed a bit now, with my lack of update schedule and whatnot. honestly, there isn't much of a Big Reason for this break, i'm just trying to avoid burnout. i started writing during lockdown, when i had all the free time in the world, but i'm in university now, and i just.. don't have that kind of time anymore, especially with trying to cope in a new state+city with people whom i barely know. i will still be writing, but i'll be writing on my own schedule, and i won't be publishing my writing until i'm certain i can handle it all, which is why december 2023 is a tentative date.
          i will still be active on this account in the sense that i will be reading and replying to people's comments, i will be reading other books on wattpad and commenting on them, so i'm not disappearing off the face of this app or anything! just taking a long, Long break.
          thank you all for your support and for being so understanding !!!! all my current works will remain on my profile, so if you haven't read those, you can go right ahead! also, my friends have a TON of wonderful works that you can check out, so pop into my reading lists for those!
          lots of love,
          akriti x


@toxicvism take care and be yourself! Coming from someone who's also recently shifted to a new state, it can be daunting at first but I'm sure you'll find within yourself the strength and courage to face the challenges.


Yeah, that’s understandable. I’m not in university but I was in major writer’s block before.. not fun oof 


Take care of yourself, I hope you find enough time to figure stuff out in the new city and properly find your place there!^^