
new theme bc i love my american king


should i publish the lando fic, the charles fic, or the kimi fic?


LANDO WE CAN BE WORLD CHAMPIONS, I SAID!!!!! (only bc ik what the lando one is. HEHEHEHEHHE)


i have fially made the difficult decision put "get him back!" on an indefinite hold. while i do love the plot and the fic and i do acknowldge all the work i put into writing it, i just cannot bring myself to finish it at the moment. i've kinda lost interest in writing fics for the triplets and i want to write fics for my other interests without having too much on my plate. i'll still keep the fic up, but please don't expect any updates any time soon, sorry!!!


Ah that makes sense. It sounds good I’ll still be checking it out <3


@themegamet no the way your so real for that, bc i feel the same