
They say that the higher you fly, the further you fall but what they failed to mention is what happens when you reach the water and you cannot swim when you’re screaming out to the world, but no one hears your cries or they choose to ignore them because they are so consumed by the thoughts swirling inside their own minds. they expect me to help them, even when I’m at the bottom of the ocean running out of air, but that’s okay because that’s what love means, drowning to keep them above the waves, hoping one day, they realise the waves are keeping me down whilst their swimming to shore but as long as they’re okay, it means I didn’t fail.


They say that the higher you fly, the further you fall but what they failed to mention is what happens when you reach the water and you cannot swim when you’re screaming out to the world, but no one hears your cries or they choose to ignore them because they are so consumed by the thoughts swirling inside their own minds. they expect me to help them, even when I’m at the bottom of the ocean running out of air, but that’s okay because that’s what love means, drowning to keep them above the waves, hoping one day, they realise the waves are keeping me down whilst their swimming to shore but as long as they’re okay, it means I didn’t fail.


There's a voice in my head that says I'm better off dead.
           I don't know what it's like to be addicted to pills
          But I do know what it's like to be a witness, it kills
          Mama told me she love me, I'm thinking this isn't real
          I think of you when I get a whiff of that cigarette smell, yeah
          Welcome to the bottom of hell
          They say pain is a prison, let me out of my cell
          You say you proud of me, but you don't know me that well
          Sit in my room, tears running down my face and I yell
          Into my pillowcases, say you coming to get us
          Then call a minute later just to tell us you not, I'm humiliated
          I'm in a room with a foster carer that I barely know
          Some lady in the corner watching us, while she taking notes
          I don't get it mum, didn't you want to watch your babies grow?
          I guess pills are more important, all you have to say is "no"
          But you won't do it, will you? You gon' keep popping 'til those pills kill you
          all i wanted was for you to love me and not let those monsters hurt me.


@snrob5 I'm sorry for you... 
            It's going to take time for you to heal from all this. 
            Blood families are not always the best ones. I hope you'll meet people who care for you and that you'll be strong enough to care for yourself and others (the ones that matter).


@AuntieRo  Thank you but i know she dosn't love me because if she did she wouldnt be abusive, leave me with strangers, let me be raped and abused by her partners etc. But thank you so much for being here for me


‏لا بأس بأخذ غفوَة .. 
          لكن لا تَنسى أن لديك طريق تُريد أن تُكمله .
          It's okay to take a nap...
           But don't forget that you have a path that you want to complete.


@FATY_7J  thank you, that’s beautiful x 


Okay so i dont really know what to say but i want everyone to go follow @Just_peachy21 she is incredible and my first friend on here, she is currently writing the Quincy brothers  (this will be so embarrasing if i got that wrong) so i recommend you go check it out. Im thinking about what to write so let me know here if you have any ideas. I want everyone here to comment on this post and tell me there favourite book and a quote from a book they like or just say hi or something xx


i wont spoil the book for you


Yeah i absolutely loved that story and yeah shes incredible with doing things like that with her writing.


@snrob5 Neighbors with the Bad Boy's Best Friend
            I'm at chapter 17 and I find the writing very soft while talking about very delicate topics. I feel reassured in the story and it's nice, healing. Hopefully this will last until the end :)


Does anyone think i should write a positive book filled with poems and quotes??


Hahaha okay i will do it then




i dont know to be honest