
I Sat down to write yesterday, and the power went out. It finally came back a few minutes ago. Man do I love living in Tornado Alley.


Let’s say I hypothetically dreamt up a new plot for Aegon II and a Velaryon OC that would follow season 2, are we interested or should I shut up and focus on what I’ve already got? Also does anyone know how to change hair color in gifs/ pics?


          After I finish rewriting Bewitched, should I:
          A) rewrite Another Love/Almost Lover/I’m With You
          B) start one of the new stories coming in summer
          C) finish what you started ie Take Care Of You/Little Bird
          D) screw hotd focus on your got fics


C) finished what you started (especially little bird)


B) Start the new stories


@rainbowkiller0 D. I am so interested in Home 


Just got into an argument on Tumblr about Aegon being a r*pist. I like team green and I like team black but oh my god do some people on tg f-ing exhaust me. (Same for some ppl on tb) Idc if you like Aegon or Aemond or whoever. Chances are, I like the character, too. But don't ignore the cannon just to go on crazy tangents about how this character has never done anything wrong. They all have, everyone had questionable morals of differing degrees in the show.


@SPARTANOFDEATH2001 its implied in a speech Helaena gives towards the end of ep 8 but he does r*pe female servants in the show and book. I hope you like the show!


@rainbowkiller0 well I haven’t watched house of the dragon yet I’m gonna wait for season2  to be fully released before I do so in the show does helaena make it clear to aegon that she doesn’t want to be intimate with him  but he does it anyway I’m not sure or was your conversations with this person about the books if so I don’t know as I’ve never read the books for HOTD or. GOT 


@SPARTANOFDEATH2001 They claimed he was a s*xual ab*ser not a r*pist and that he didn't r*pe Helaena cause they were married. I'm genuinely worried for this person, but I couldn't take talking to them any longer


Hi just curious about something will your new story coming this summer called the three dragons follow season 1 and 2 of HOTD 


@SPARTANOFDEATH2001 Most likely. I have all of season one plotted but I want to watch season two before I start writing. All of my stories that have "coming summer 2024" in the title will follow season one and two.


@rainbowkiller0 I hope it isn’t too rude or demanding to ask this question but when roughly can we expect to see chapters for the three dragons story will the chapters for this story start happening when the HOTD season 2 is fully released 