
I’m working on a dark mafia. It’s not part of my fantasy universe but I’ll defo do a fantasy vs 


What’s with all notifications and not being able to access it? And all of the notifications just say note?


@nateara18 omg sorry. I’m working on the novel version of my fanfics and left it up for readers to find it. It’s now moved to @mikaelsxnwhorr where my fanfics are so you can find it there. The novel versions will be here. Sorry!


so many notifs omg  and i can’t even find the story WHAT IS HAPPENING 


@SloanSheperd16 @eugene_emt_roe @Lady1Hiddleston omg sorry. I’m working on the novel version of my fanfics and left it up for readers to find it. It’s now moved to @mikaelsxnwhorr where my fanfics are so you can find it there. The novel versions will be here. Sorry!


I know right it’s getting a little annoying but I can’t find it!!!


I don’t know it won’t stop


What happened? I’m getting a lot of notifications?!


@Lady1Hiddleston @eugene_emt_roe omg sorry. I’m working on the novel version of my fanfics and left it up for readers to find it. It’s now moved to @mikaelsxnwhorr where my fanfics are so you can find it there. The novel versions will be here. Sorry!


First draft of my debut novel The song of war and death is done. This started as me rewriting my Klaus Mikaelson fanfic; Rzej. After a while I said to my friend, I’m literally writing a fantasy novel. I built my world, my species everything for a for a fanfic and decided to just start writing it as a novel. With all the ideas and some minor outline. I did it. I still have A LONGGG WAY to go before the novel is fully ready. I hope you’ll be here for this journey.