
Hey Guys. 
          	First of all, thank you so much for 3K followers! I still can't believe that you guys made me gain these much of happiness through your support. Iam forever greatful to yall for making me feel this head over clouds. 
          	I know i should have been giving a positive news on a good occasion like this, but, iam always full of  peculiarities so yall gotta bear it with me. 
          	Just wanted to give a news that i am going to unpublish Flame of seduction for a while. I have some personal issues behind it which i can't elaborately describe. 
          	And it's just a necessity for me at this point, to unpublish that story. 
          	Iam thinking of focusing on any other story only after Doll Master ends and i will try my best to give Doll Master a proper and perfect ending like it deserves. 
          	And once Doll Master will end ( which will be within 4/5 more chapters i believe ), i will then think about which story to publish first as i have been working on some other stories in secret as well.
          	And yeah, there will be a spin off story of Officer/ Doctor Yoongi ( Dr.Jeon's best friend ) and Roze ( Doll's cousin ) by the way. Yeah another story of same universe of Doll Master which i have named
          	" Lured Into Silence " and idk when i will be publishing that as well. 
          	All depends on what my brain and heart signals me
          	But i will bring flame of seduction back when i will feel like it's the right time to do. 
          	That's all that i wanted to tell.
          	Hope yall will respect my decision. 
          	Love yall. 


@jeons_saram ohhh my god.. please try to update soon.. because I'm obsessed with doll master *Dr Jeon*.. I'm crazy...


Hey Guys. 
          First of all, thank you so much for 3K followers! I still can't believe that you guys made me gain these much of happiness through your support. Iam forever greatful to yall for making me feel this head over clouds. 
          I know i should have been giving a positive news on a good occasion like this, but, iam always full of  peculiarities so yall gotta bear it with me. 
          Just wanted to give a news that i am going to unpublish Flame of seduction for a while. I have some personal issues behind it which i can't elaborately describe. 
          And it's just a necessity for me at this point, to unpublish that story. 
          Iam thinking of focusing on any other story only after Doll Master ends and i will try my best to give Doll Master a proper and perfect ending like it deserves. 
          And once Doll Master will end ( which will be within 4/5 more chapters i believe ), i will then think about which story to publish first as i have been working on some other stories in secret as well.
          And yeah, there will be a spin off story of Officer/ Doctor Yoongi ( Dr.Jeon's best friend ) and Roze ( Doll's cousin ) by the way. Yeah another story of same universe of Doll Master which i have named
          " Lured Into Silence " and idk when i will be publishing that as well. 
          All depends on what my brain and heart signals me
          But i will bring flame of seduction back when i will feel like it's the right time to do. 
          That's all that i wanted to tell.
          Hope yall will respect my decision. 
          Love yall. 


@jeons_saram ohhh my god.. please try to update soon.. because I'm obsessed with doll master *Dr Jeon*.. I'm crazy...


Congratulations unnie for 3k followers... I know that it's not to much .. i mean it's really less .. of your writing skills are amazing your story full of dark romance.. you deserve 10k ...
          Still congratulations ❤️..
                  -one of you fan ❤️


@SofiaHayat2 according to your writting skills.. dark romance.. story.. mind game.. you deserve more more .. love ya ❤️


@SofiaHayat2 Thank you so much. And who says it's not much, it's really a lot. I could never believe in the past that i would get this amount of followers. But still, your msg is making blush hehe. Thank you so much . Take loveeee


Chapter 19 was so emotional T^T I applaud you for your amazing writing skills 


No problem! Keep up the good work you're doing amazing <3


@moshiebunns___ Hehe! Thank you so much. It means a lot.. Really a lot 


Dramatic imaginary Music...
          How are yall? My followers and readers?
          Hope yall are doing well. 
          Well, i just wanted to let yall know that Chapter Nineteen of Doll Master is almost finished and it will be posted within tomorrow night if any personal issues does not occur.
          Chapter Nineteen is the most emotional yet most  beautiful chapter that has happened in this book until now and i hope you guys will really feel the bond that Master and his Doll has. 
          Hopefully you guys will cry,, feel triggered, smile, get panicked, and lastly smile in awe again while reading that chapter and i just can't wait to see yall's reaction.
           So i just wanted to let you know about it's release date. 
          That's all for now. Take care of yourself. Bye bye... 


@jeons_saram to brag about my pretty little author..hummm....yesss..I cried..and I'm against scared for any other thing to happen..


why you're so underated.. 


@jeons_saram Lmaooooo- Don't worry, you'll also get big like others... I came here from your Insta, I saw your reels than came here to search you and read your Books, So don't loose hope sweetheart<3


@yoon4mour Ummmmmmm, idk T^T. But iam not sad about it. Iam satisfied with everything here, i can say. Well sometimes i feel a little heartbroken when i see other's getting excessive amount of attention even though they write stories with average plots. No iam not saying i write that good or anything. But i feel like i try my best to serve something different and unique. I mean i try from my place. Now, reading the stories is upto people. Maybe my stories aren't upto everyone's taste. Maybe people doesn't like the genre i write. But whatever. Iam satisfied with the readers and followers that i have, who supports me always. 


@jeons_saram are you bangladeshi?author 


@jeons_saram girl you are Bangladeshi too......
            Same me too (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)


@jeons_saram no its ok my mistakes that's why i deleted it 


@Shining_like_taylor how many times did you write a text and deleted??? Sjsksksk!! I got notifications hehe. I was busy so i couldn't reply 