
So I learned some more bad news for my health today, but it also gave me so many answers to riddles in my life. Now I just have to take a breath and move forward from there. 


@inkysparrow that really sucks but I'm happy you're getting those answers for what it's worth, I hope you start feeling better soon :)


@inkysparrow Im sorry to hear that i hope everything starts looking better for you soon.


So I learned some more bad news for my health today, but it also gave me so many answers to riddles in my life. Now I just have to take a breath and move forward from there. 


@inkysparrow that really sucks but I'm happy you're getting those answers for what it's worth, I hope you start feeling better soon :)


@inkysparrow Im sorry to hear that i hope everything starts looking better for you soon.


No Solace was chosen as a Top Pick by the Amby Awards for Teen fiction. I'm honored to be selected. I have been having some mental and physical challenges the past couple months so this meant a lot.


Hello Sparrow (Not sure if I should just call you sparrow?)! I took a quick peek at your book, ‘The Story of the Trees’, and by the first chapter, I felt you were a seriously underrated writer. I just wanted to let you know as a fellow writer how happy I am to find a book as good as yours, and to keep writing. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it-I truly appreciate it. 
          Yours truly, Sunshine H.


@SunshineHOfficial omg! Thanks! Little words of encouragement like these mean a lot


So, I'm feeling better after all the upheaval the past few months. What I've decided to do is get serious about improving my first series, Sword Ring and Crown, starting with the second book, The Battle of the Treees. I plan to write an entirely different version. Book 3 will be after, and Book 1 will be the last. 
          I will be taking down my small projects for now as I embark on the renovations. The old versions will remain up until the new ones are finished. 
          No Solace will remain up, but I have plans to renovate that after.  
          Hope everyone is doing well 


Hi, I hope you are well.
          I'm publishing a story and would like to invite you to take a look. The story revolves around the idea of ​​the government chasing people with special abilities, for a purpose that is not what it seems! If you like shatter me you might find it interesting!
          Would like to know?
          There's a book trailer if you're interested.
          "I am more than my ability"
          A girl with an ability never seen before;
          A boy with something more than he knows;
          A government that wants all people who have special abilities and would do anything for it;
          An island that wants to protect all those with special abilities;
          But what is the real reason the government, once created to protect these people, wants people with special abilities?
          I'm posting new chapters every Friday.
          Story link:
          Hope to see you there! 


I'm doing editing on No Solace and All My Dragons. 
          All My Dragons is still a struggle. It refuses to be written so I have to rethink the whole thing. 
          I've put up a little feeler of a story based on the myth of Pandora where the monsters themselves are the focus, especially Hope. The series name is "The Remants of Pandora" and the first book is A Hope's Wish


Correction. A Hope's Desire, not Wish... I'm still waffling on that title


A nice surprise today. I tied for first place with @heidehunt for the Literary Book Awards from @Kiannawrites


@inkysparrow Congratulations! Thanks for the shoutout. :)


@inkysparrow Right on, congratulations!


Sorry I didn't update this week. Husband had to be rushed to the hospital on Monday. Mini stroke. We're doing better. 


@inkysparrow I hope he'll get well soon ♡♡♡♡


@inkysparrow Oh thank goodness! Not about the diabetes part, but I’m glad he wasn’t hurt by the stroke 