
Just want to say something real quick:
          	1. I'm almost done editing a manuscript (my top priority)
          	2. Will publish the last chapter for Dainty Dalliance this week
          	3. Will start working on the Exclusive Chapters for Royal Fools probably next week
          	4. Will start working on the outline for the next installment of Wake Up Witch within the month
          	As always, thank you for the support! It means so much to me! Have a great week!


@Pisces028 Will be working on the outline within the month!


@greenwriter Loving "Royal Fools" , thanks for the wonderful work...... Is there hope for getting,   "All the Good Embers " 


Just want to say something real quick:
          1. I'm almost done editing a manuscript (my top priority)
          2. Will publish the last chapter for Dainty Dalliance this week
          3. Will start working on the Exclusive Chapters for Royal Fools probably next week
          4. Will start working on the outline for the next installment of Wake Up Witch within the month
          As always, thank you for the support! It means so much to me! Have a great week!


@Pisces028 Will be working on the outline within the month!


@greenwriter Loving "Royal Fools" , thanks for the wonderful work...... Is there hope for getting,   "All the Good Embers " 


It’s been years since I was last on Wattpad and I can  never forget how much I loved your Town Series since I grew up with it and I miss it all so much, so I purchased them all so I can reread.  I hope you’re still on your way to continue with the Trilby Series eventually if not soon. Please stay healthy and safe always! 


That’s awesome to hear! I look forward to any work from you, I’ll always be a fan! ;) 


@_DeAnne Awww. Thank you! I'm healthy and happy! Just busy! I'm hoping to finish editing all Everard stories so I can start on the Trilbys! But no promises! :)


Hi, I already  read all of your books & enjoyed so much. I know you are currently  writing "Artemis" with exclusive content. But I desperately want to know about Gabriel & Rider's full story. Please  please  make your next story  about  them. Since Sutherland series(book 1 ) I had been waiting for Gabriel & Rider's story. I really hope u will  write about them as soon  as you can.( I hope  it will be a free story  for us to read. Ha ha ha)


are you still planning on releasing the sequel to wake up witch? 


THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING! I absolutely adored it! I’m going to have to do a little re read! 


@HIDDLESTUAN Hello! I'm currently busy editing a manuscript for publishing. Once that's done, I will definitely start working on Wake Up Witch as I have planned. I'm glad you liked the story enough to want to see check out the next story! 


@HIDDLESTUAN I was about to post this  I NEED IT NOWWWW


Hello J. D. Ruiz. I will not be exaggerating if I say that after months of not finding something good to read on Wattpad , your stories are most captivating. These series of yours are most amazing. You are really great at this. The way you expressed liveliness in story of Simone Priest, I loved it(currently read it).I have read most of your stories all are amazing. Thank you girl. 


@TamanaRana I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you so much for reading! :)