
follow me on insta !!! i have new fun account !! @ fragmentedly 
          	(maybe i will follow back yall, lets be frensssss !!!!)


follow me on insta !!! i have new fun account !! @ fragmentedly 
          (maybe i will follow back yall, lets be frensssss !!!!)


heyyyyyy  i'm back with the good news i promised like almost a month ago hahaaaa 
          so we have a new story out now. link is below, or you can also find it on my page - it's titled 'Something, Nothing' . I'm working on better summary for the story btw, but here's the vibe that you can expect 'the boy on the bridge' + 'heartstopper' 
          pls do give it a read and let me know what you think about it !!! 
          ohhhh, and another exciting announcement (kinda), i have a new insta account (feel free to unfollow the old one) i'm relaunching a brand new account, it's @ fragmentedly - there's no posts so far, but coming soon !!!! 
          as usual thank you so much for the support so far !!!!!! love you all


Hello, I’m not sure if you take story ideas or not. If you don’t, sorry for bothering you, but if you do, I thought it would be good to write a a story based off of the song “ girl problems” by Bradley jago 


@yonbokxchannie hmmm i have never listened to the song. lemme give it a listen and see heheee 
            and dont worry i accept ideas always 


yo, been a long time. 
          just a small update, i've been focusing too much on something, nothing - it's a story exclusively available on bmac
          i always meant to get back to writing luminescence but i feel like i cant connect with the story anymore - fantasy genre is not it for me lollllll. so yeah i will probably remove it at some point and think about rewriting it. 
          but for now if you guys want to read more of my new works, it's on buymeacoffee. that's all. thanks for your continuous support.
          p.s: something is very much like tbotb just different environment, vibes are all the samee. kinda inspired from heartstopper <3 


@LunaLillie awwwww thank youuuuuu, dw ive written quite a number of chapters already and once ive completed the story the updates will be more frequent !!!!! 


@fragmented- I am following you on BMAC and am patiently waiting for the completion of Something, Nothing so i can binge read it. I love your work


Small question, what is your gender? Cuz I love your book the boy and the bridge and I thought u were a boy... people say ur a girl in the comments tho


Hey, on your Idiot and The Beast book there are a whole 30 chapters missing. It’s normal until chapter three then jumps to thirty-three. Just thought I should let you know.


@fragmented- Ah that’s okay, I kinda figured.


@Dashyfoxy_Cross sorry that was a mistake. rectified it


"Hi darcy, do you remember me? I was and still am your biggest fan because of TBOTB. I kind of grew up of my wattpad phrase but I still open it whenever i'm bored or just want to look at what the writers had posted. I just get so happy when you post your little silly updates and it just takes me back in time when i used to stay up late at night and finish TBOTB even though i already read it a couple of time. The time when you took it off wattpad was a dark time for me but i just read it of inkit. Anyway, all i wanted to say is that your book touches me in a way no other published book does. It's kind of controversial whether wattpad books are considered as published books but TBOTB is just a masterpiece and i could never describe the way it feed my "in the closet" self. Please write more and never stop because you a worthy and make other people feel what you made me feel."
          That's what i wrote a long time ago, just about a year. Hi Darcy, I hope you're doing your best. I opened wattpad for the first time in months because i remembered your book and the impact it had on me. I don't have a single clue why i stopped reading wattpad, but ig i just grew up. I hope my past message had an impact on your beautiful mind because your writting changed me. TBOTB made me who I am today. I used to be closeted, but now I'm open and proud of who I am. I just want to say a last Hello and Goodbye (or maybe not, who knows), thank you for writting such a beautiful piece of art. You're a wonderful person and your books used to be my whole autumn day. 
          I can finally say,
          Thank you Darcy, you changed me ❤️


@asn_1302 omg hi !!! i remember your message!!! and this makes me so happy !!! super proud of you !!! and honestly thank you so, so much for your message and all your wishes ❤️ i am still writing and want to keep writing because of readers like you !! do hope that you'll keep in touch ! once again thank you so so much, and hope you're doing well in your life as well ❤️❤️❤️


im so sorry, ive been really, really busy with some personal work, thus the lack of update. i will try to update really, really soon, okay. 
          to my bmac subscribers, fret not, your updates will be usual. and hope the new story is to your liking <3