
Guys am open to covers created by you,am running out,any good Samaritans.And I wonder if you guys can teach me, how to make my own


I remember I came across alittle girl on a Wattpad group on Facebook.Her mom was asking for prayers for her before her surgery.I don't know if it's cancer too but that little girl was suffering.
          Her knee was twice as huge as mine.I realized that am not the only one.May Allah Grant us good health.its not easy.
          As I speak now,the pain that am going through , it's not easy


@coosambi it will cease to exist in Jesus name


I have been using crutches for months now but they are no longer working as my knee keeps swelling and keeps getting bigger.Because of that gravity keeps pulling it down çausing me massive pain.I will start using a wheelchair very soon 


Important announcement
          I Just got discharged from the hospital.I didn't have blood and needed two bags of it,but I kept reacting badly to it and had to stay three more days in the hospital.I can't believe I vomited half a bowl of blood .
          Anyway I started two stories at the hospital.
          The don or the Muslim man
          A dieing lover.
          A dieing lover 
          (This story is influenced by my current condition as I am predicted 5 years on Earth .I wrote a short story about a muslimah going through cancer and how she spends her last year's on Earth.Unlike her,I don't even know if I will get to do the things this character got to do)


@coosambi ya Allah  am so sorry wishing youll fell better am so sorry 


@coosambi  recieve healing in the mighty name of Jesus  amen.  I have you in My prayers


Serious health update
          Assalamualaikum peeps
          Today I got bad news from the doctor.
          I found out that the cancer has now spread to my lungs.
          Originally it was bone cancer in my left knee,but now it has spread to my lungs, causing it to be too late
          Because now cancer can never be cured and it will be in my body for the rest of my life.
          Chemo can only reduce it or spread it from spreading,apart from that it can never cure it.
          I was also informed that because of this I have less time on Earth.The cancer had reduced my life by many,many years.
          I nearly fainted this morning and am now coughing out blood.Am writing this to tell you guys that if I ever die,my stories will always live on.
          My stories are my legacy that I want to live behind, so I have decided to write up to atleast a hundred books before anything happens to me.
          If only I can make it.All I can do is pray to Allah to prolong my years and also for the chemo to work.
          I am unable to walk because of how swollen my leg is, so I use crutches.Because of this I had to dropout out of my final years in senior high
          Who knows how long I will live.I just need your prayers guys.I need it alot.
          I might be gone in the future but my stories are my memories and you guys reading my books shows that my memory will live on.
          Inshallah things will get better,I won't die Young.I pray that Allah prolongs my life and saves me from this disease.
          Bye ❤️


@Aurelian_jk thank you so much for the love,I really appreciate it


@coosambi you know why Allah tala choose you because you are that one beautiful flower that he wanna decorate his heaven with....cause nobody chooses murjha hua flower....All i want to say is i have never seen you in real life neither know you but if ever i got a chance am ready to give my life to you...because we all cherish you, people love you here and want to read your beautiful stories....but i know it's not possible thing but let's meet when it's my time....JUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO WILL ALWAYS REMEBER YOU WHILE READING YOUR MASTERPIECES PLEASE DON'T FORGET US TOO....OK that's it i'm crying already...please keep updating us we'll be here waiting for you always.❤


@coosambi walekum assalam may Allah give you speedy recovery and reduce your pain and give you long life and sabr to you and your all dear one Ameen stay strong dear have tawakul and may Allah make it easy for you Ameen Allahafiz appi ❤️❤️❤️


Am a cancer patient, meaning am not in school anymore, it's home and hospital,so am often free,that is why I update alot.
          Feel free to comment,it inspires me to write more.


@coosambi May Allah heal you and bless you with good health. Ameen.