
The first chapter of SuperVillainess is out now for those interested!


Be not alarmed by the new cover for Kill Your Darlings (which I also renamed to A Revenge So Bittersweet). I hate making covers bc it always ends up giving that “graphic design is my greatest passion” meme but the original one was always a placeholder anyway. 
          In other news, I’ll be uploading the first teaser chapter for Super•Villainess (sequel to - you guessed it - Super•Villainous) later this week after I grudgingly make yet another cover. Sigh.


Not to boost anyone’s hopes prematurely, but I can finally confirm their will be a sequel to Super•Villainous in the DISTANT future. I got inspired by a tiktok I saw the other day and couldn’t get this new idea out of my head, so I’ve finally started chapter one, but there’s a lot of plotting to be done before I start posting so don’t expect it anytime soon :)


Yayyy can’t wait!!


I just came to search for this! So excited I miss Atty and Lily 


@WhatTomfoolery Just finished Super Villainous.... I ABSOUTELY LOVED IT! With that ending, and so many twists and turns, I am TERRIFIED of what is going to happen in the sequel. I also kinda have a grudge for leading us on like that. However, I WILL ABSOLUTELY BE READING THE SEQUEL! .
            Thank you 


Heyo! I have been reading super villainous, and I gotta say, I absolutely love it! I think you are such a creative writer, and I have really enjoyed following this story. Thanks for putting your creativity out there for us to enjoy! Thanks! Love it, and as always, I can't wait for an update!